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Hey Guys,

So you liked 'Makeup ,Hijabs and Love' and now you are going to like this book (hopefully).This is not a lot of Romance but Adventure/ Action. So don't stop reading once you've read the description!! Hold up and read the first chapter...

- Love Atika <3


Chapter 1

Hibah's POV

"Yeah sure Amanda I'll work on it when I have time and have a good weekend!" I say smiling and giving her a hug. Amanda is the receptionist of my Makeup brand office and ever since my marriage we have kinda become good friends rather than aquaintances.

"You too Mrs. Ali". Amanda winks and I open the large glass door and step outside onto the cold icy pavement. A cold layer of white wraps me as it starts to snow. I am immediately taken into a winter wonderland where everything is enveloped in a thick white furry blanket.

I trudge along the frosty ground heading towards my new home that Zaid bought when we got married two years ago.It seems like millions of years ago that we were once good friends sharing secrets through our teen years.

My hands are numb from the harsh wind so I shove them deep into my woolly jacket which is warm and inviting.

Five minutes later I'm outside my new house and ringing the doorbell since I forgot my keys in the morning before I left for work.

"Hey Beautiful". i'm greeted by the most hottest guy ever. My husband.Zaid. Who right now I want to piss off. So I say the most meanest thing ever.

"Hey Shrek". I laugh and push him out of the way so I can get into the warm radiated house escaping the hands of the winter cold outside.

"That's not very nice hibah". Zaid says , following me into the cosy living room.

"It's not meant to be nice dimwit" I say giving him a cheeky smile.

I take of my suede boots and flop onto the cream coloured sofa and lay my head down on top of the comfortable cushion. All I want to do right now is sleep. From a long hard day of work I  normally sleep until midnight and then Zaid wakes me up for dinner. yep that's how unhealthy I am.

"So how was work Fiona?" Zaid says jumping on top of my legs.

Which hurts.


It REALLY hurts.

"Get off my legs your hurting me!!" I scream at him.

"Sorry Princess what did you say?" He smiles presing his weight on my legs even more.

"I said GET.OFF.ME." I say slowly emphasising each word.

"Alright you don't have to scream Fiona". He hops off me in one quick swift movement. The pain goes and I breathe in the scent of sofas.Yes I'm weird I like the smell of sofas.

"Stop calling me shreks wifes name". I whine.

"What Fiona? I didn't quite hear you" He flashes me a smirk.

Annoyed I get up from the sofa and stomp into the kitchen. Trying to piss him off just makes me get pissed off. I pull out my favourite mug out of the dishwasher and begin to make some coffee. I love coffee it is the best drink in the world and thats what I need right now.

I boil the water in the kettle and put some coffee bean powder in and pour it into the mug adding two cubes of sugar and some milk. I stir my delicious potion of amazement and slurp it slowly , savoring every drop of gorgeous taste.

Just as I'm about to turn around from the kitchen counter , a large muscular arm wraps around my tiny waist. Instantly I'm lifted off the ground and in the arms of Zaid.

"Zaid I really am not in the mood of one of your stupid names  calling-" I protest but he stops me.

"Your the one who called me shrek!" Zaid says his lips pouted in a childish way.

This makes me laugh and I mess up his hair.

"You forgot to take of your hijab beautiful".He stares into my eyes giving me a sick smirk.

"You do the honours then" I say softly while still up in the air in his arms.

When did this guy get so strong?

He tugs the soft fabric concealing my black hair and it slides of easily falling to my waist. Then his eyes widen as he sees the sight of my beautiful face.Not that I am that beautiful.

"Can you put me down now?". I ask politely.

"Why of course My Lady" He says lowering me down onto the tiled floor his eyes glued to my face in the process.

"Thankyou young man" I say poshly.

"My pleasure princess". Zaid says finally tearing his eyes away from mine and to the scent of the cold coffee on the kitchen worktop

"Now can you be so ever nice and Massage my tired legs?" I ask battering my eyelashes and speaking in a posh accent.

He hesitates and runs a hand through his hair.



"That feels good" I say while shutting my eyes.

He lifts his large hands up and down my poor freezing legs which feels soothing and relaxing.

His fingers relax my muscles and take all the cold away from me and I'm sent into a deep sleep.

Tomorrow i will probably wake up with a cold or a flu.


And I'm right. Surely as soon as I am magically transferred into our double bed  and awake I feel ill and my nose keeps running.

The light from outside wakes me instead of Zaids cold feet wrapped in the duvet next to my warm feet. I rub my eyes and get out of the bed. carefully as not to wake up the sleepy monster next to me i tiptoe into the toilet and make wudhu to pray Fajr.

The cold tap from the water arouses me from my sleepy state and I am fresh and awake from cleansing my face. I brush my teeth and dry my face with a towel.

I exit the toilet and head downstairs to our small prayer room. I grab a prayer mat and lift up my hands to begin prayer ,when all of a sudden I hear a loud shattering noise like glass breaking. I freeze frightened to move. My heart racing I shout Zaid's name.

"Zaid!" I yell. No reply.

"Zaid what was that noise?" I shout still no reply.

I move out of the prayer room and head in the direction where I heard the loud noise.

Heart in mouth I shout his name again.

"Zaid!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I decide to go upstairs and check if he is okay. I run up the stairs two at a time and rush to our bedroom. What I see will haunt me probably for the rest of my life.

I call his name but no words come out of my mouth.

My voice box  is paralysed from the horrifying display in front of me.

All I want to do is scream and cry.

My heart stops beating for a milisecond

while I stare at the lifeless body laying in front of me.


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