Chapter 26

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"Ugh my head, hurt so bad" Jimin groans as he got up. "How much I drank last night that made my head about to explode like this?" he utters, close his eyes and cup his head. "How did I get home and sleep in my room?" he asks himself, knit his brows.

He pulls the blanket off himself and tries to get out of the bed. He's stunned when he saw himself in pyjamas. "Who changed my clothes?", "If I remembered last night when I was drunk, I was in my work suit", "So who changed it, did granny or ahjusii or Mark or...?" he considers, gaze down at himself.


"Son, you're up ?" Jieun asks from the outside, knock on the door.

"YES GRANNY!" he responds.

"May I come in?" Jieun asks.

"Yes!" he replies, sits on the edge of his bed.

Jieun opens the door and steps in, "Are you okay, son?"

"Yes, I'm okay", "I just have a little headache" he said, smiles at his nanny.

"I don't think you're okay, last night when you arrived home, Mark told me that you drank too much" Jieun walks to the bed and sit down near him.

"Maybe that why my head hurt so bad like this" he tends to avoid eye contact.

"Son, don't lie to me I know you very well", "I've taken care of you since you were born, I know you more than anyone else" Jieun cups his face to look at her.

"Granny, I didn't lie to you, I have nothing to hide with you" he quickly responds.

"Your mouth said you didn't, but your eyes do tell me", "You're hiding something" Jieun stares straight into his soul.

"Tell me now" Jieun said in a demanding tone.

"Granny, I didn't" he stumbles.

"Sorry for disturbed", "I bring the food for you, Jimin" Rosè knocks on the opened door slightly. "Oh, daughter! come in" Jieun tells Rosé.

Rosè small smiles as a response. She steps in, carries the tray full of food. Putting it on the table next to his bed.

"Granny, who took care of me last night?" he asks, glance at Rosè. Rosè stands near the table, her eyes stare at her feet and intertwine her fingers together.

"Rosè!" Jieun answers without struggling.

"Did you?" he looks up at Rosè. Rosè didn't lift her gaze to him, instead of nodding her head as replying.

"Last night, you were extremely drunk and Rosè took care of you for a whole night", "I saw her just left your room in the early hour this morning" Jieun said.

"I thought I should left now probably Ahjusii is looking for me", "I asked him to bring something for me" Rosè excuses herself and walk out hurriedly.

"Thank you!" he said suddenly when Rosé about to left the room. She turns around and smiles at him then she left the room completely.

"Son, you and Rosè haven't back to normal yet, have you?" Jieun frowns.

Jimin quick look at the clock on the table next to his bed. "Oh! I'm late for work" he exclaims, rushes to the bathroom. Closing the bathroom door, then he hears the room door is closed too. "Maybe, granny was already left" he thought.

He starts to freshen up himself and get ready to work.


Jimin steps toward his office.

Irene gets up fast and rushes to open the door for him.
"Good morning, Mr Park" she said, smiled.

"Thank noona" Jimin said, cupping his head. He walks to his desk, sits down. He leans on his chair and rests his head on the head chair. Closing his eyes, knit his brows tensely.

"Mr Park, are you all right?" Irene asks in a worried tone, stands in front of his desk.

"Yes, I'm okay" he replies, opens his eyes.

"But you don't look well" Irene responds. "Would you like some coffee?" she asks.

"Yes, noona" he replies, a small smile.

"I'm going to make coffee for you now, please wait a minute" she said.

"Thank you noona" he said. She leaves to make coffee for him.


"How's the work?" the old man asks, smoke.

"Yes appa, it runs smoothly as our plan" the young man answers.

The old man smokes a cigarette, he expels smoke from one's mouth. "It's just the beginning, Park Sihyunk" the old man smirks. "You will soon taste of losing everything, how is it" the old man laughs evilly with satisfaction.



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