Chapter 42

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"Go to Chaeyoung's room, tell her dress up quickly now" Chanyeol whispers to a maid.

Then, a maid leaves Chaeyoung's room. Chanyeol takes a seat on the sofa in front of Mr Yang.

"Is my soon to be wife okay?" Mr Yang expellees the smoke from one's mouth.

"Yes, Mr Yang" Chanyeol responds.

"I heard that she left home because she doesn't want to married to me" Mr Yang looks at Chanyeol suspiciously.

"No, Mr Yang, it's fake news" Chanyeol lies quickly.

"She just went on vacation" Chanyeol smiles to avoid the doubt. "

If it's true, you're going to pay my money back because, at my casino, you will be blacklisted if you don't pay back" Mr Yang said harmfully.

"But, that's okay because you let your sister married to me, so I will let you play the game at my casino whatever you want" Mr Yang adds.

After 10 minutes ago, a maid came back. She bows down to whisper hear Chanyeol's ear, "Ms Chaeyoung, she said that she didn't come and she didn't dress up anything".

Chanyeol clenches his fist angrily, "Mr Yang, can you give me some time because I need to take some business a bit" Chanyeol excuses himself. Mr Yang nods.

Chanyeol leaves for Chaeyoung's room.


The sound of knocking door is heard loudly. Chaeyoung startles because of that sound.

"Give me the key of this room" Chanyeol voices aggressively.

"Hurry up!" Chanyeol commands. Chaeyoung walks to the door and stands tiptoe against the door, she peels in through a small hole in the door.

"Chanyeol" Chaeyoung gasps shockingly.

Chaeyoung walks out the door to find a way where she can escape before Chanyeol opened the door, but it is too late.

Chanyeol has just opened the door and saw Chaeyoung is about to jump on the window. he dashes to Chaeyoung quickly, and pull her from the window, then push her to the floor.

"Where do you think you go huh, Chaeyoung?" Chanyeol puts his hands on his hips.

"HUH?" he yells at Chaeyoung.

"Chanyeol, please let me free" Chaeyoung begs, cry.

"Please, Chanyeol" Chaeyoung folds her hand.

"Let you free" Chanyeol laughs lightly.

"And how about me and our parents, you want us to die and you go living happily in that mansion" Chanyeol wrinkles his brows unpleasantly.

"Just in your dream" Chanyeol grits teeth.

"Dress her up hurriedly, and then take her downstairs" he orders the maid.

"Don't let your soon to be husband wait too long" Chanyeol laugh gruntingly.

"Get yourself ready because you're going to live with your soon to be husband today" Chanyeol comes out of the room fast.

"No, no" Chaeyoung shakes head and tears flow down.

"Please help me" Chaeyoung begs the maid, grab the maid's arm.

"Sorry Ms Chaeyoung, we can't" the maids reply feeling sorry for Chaeyoung.


"Sir!" the maid calls.

"Wow, my sister is so beautiful" Chanyeol exclaims surprisedly, clap hands.

"You look stunning" he walks toward Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung feels uncomfortable and annoyed with the dress which she is wearing because this dress is too short for her. She can't believe that her brother let her wear something that looks like a slut.

Mr Yang who is sitting on the sofa, when Chaeyoung arrived in the living room, lifts his gaze suddenly and stares at Chaeyoung from head to toe lustfully.

He licks his lip and smirks, he can't take his eyes off Chaeyoung because of how sexy she is in that dress. Mr Yang enjoys the view which is in front of him satisfyingly.

"Mr Yang, here is your soon to be wife" Chanyeol states masterfully, grins in victory.

"Go and sit near your soon to be husband" Chanyeol tells Chaeyoung in threaten tone.

Chaeyoung hesitates because she doesn't want to go near with that old man who is older than her father, and his brother forced her to married this old guy.

Last, Chaeyoung has no choice but to sit with this old man. She feels so much disgusted. In her mind, she is wishing that there a miracle happen or someone comes to help her from this old fox.

She hates this that why she tried to escape from her brother and this house as well.



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