Chapter 37

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It has been three months since Jieun passed away

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It has been three months since Jieun passed away. Everyone, include Rosè, still, remember and think about Jieun even she is no longer in this world.

When they found out Jieun was dead, firstly they were almost paralyzed because they didn't think the last month for Jieun was so fast like this.

And before Jieun died, she left them a lot of good memories that they can't forget, also a letter for them too.

The meaning of the letter said:

[ Dear my beloved people,

Whenever all of you missed me, you can look up at the sky, and you will see the first rising star, and that star is me who was watching all of you from heaven.

Don't cry, don't be sad because of me. Even my body isn't with you, but remember my soul and my heart forever stay with you all.

Be happy, smile! (^3^)

Jieun. ]

Jimin on the other hand, since Jieun passed away, he has become more silent than before, less talk to people in the house. He always comes back home very late more often, sometimes he didn't come back as well.

He didn't pay attention to everyone like before.

It makes Rosè worried about him because his behaviour begins to change.

Rosè knew that Jimin still couldn't get over his granny's death, he is still hurt about this because of how much his granny is very important to him.

Although she tries to talk with him, ask him to go outside etc, but nothing made him feel better. When he smiles, it just a smile that hides a lot of sadness behind.

However, Rosè has promised herself that she will try to make him happy again no matter what.

She wants to see happy Jimin again. She can't bear to see him in this situation anymore, she will find every way to bring delight to Jimin.

Plus, she has discovered something about her feeling toward him too in these serval months of staying in his house. She feels so good when she is near him, or whenever he stayed with her.

When he is sad, she is sad too and he is happy, she is also happy as well as she smiles automatically. It looks like he has something that connects to her.

One more thing, if Rosè saw him with another girl, she got annoying easily. She tries to control herself to don't show this behaviour out, but she can't hide it.

She never feels this way when she was with June because she has never had this sign, although June was with other girls, she didn't even get irritated or feel something else.

So, it made her question herself. Is she truly love June or she just wants to thank him for helping her that why she agreed with him when he confessed to her.

Moreover, she always keeps questioning herself, is she lying to herself that is she is in love with June, or it is she no.

She will try to find out and clarify her feeling as possible as she can, to make sure that is it like what she is thinking or not.


"This is how you work huh, noona?" Jimin blames Irene, throw a file onto the desk roughly.

Irene startles, "Sorry Mr Park".

"Noona, I don't want to sound rude to you" Jimin closes his eyes and take a deep breath.

"But why the income of PCNL continues falling, recently I heard that there are so many employees keep resigning from PCNL" Jimin furrows seriously.

"Is it true?" he questions Irene.

"Yes, it is, because the manager of PCNL, Mr Wang has taken a pay cut salary from the employees for no reason, besides the forced the employees to work and don't allow them to have a time off, it cause some employees to faint while working" Irene reports.

"All the staff in PCNL keep complaining about why the company suddenly change the management system, also our agents at PCNL had reported to the PCG, but it was stolen, that's what my assistant Dahyun found out and told to me" Irene explains.

Jimin pinches his nose furiously.

"And I've tried every way to help the company's curve rebound as it did a few months ago, but no matter how hard I try, the curve has continued to decline for these past two months" Irene presses her lips together.

"Dahyun has told me that in PCNL has traitor" she adds.

"Call Mr Wang and tell him to meet me in the meeting room tomorrow, and today make an appointment with all the president of subsidiaries of PCG to meet me this evening immediately, but except Mr Wang don't inform him to join the meeting this evening" Jimin tells Irene.

She nods her head as replying.

Jimin sit on his chair back, he loosens his tie a bit, "Noona, you can leave now".

"I need some time right now" Jimin leans on his chair and massages his temple.

"Yes, Mr Park" Irene bow.

Then, Irene leaves the office.


After Irene left the office, Jimin takes his phone out. He searches for Hoseok's number in the phone contact. He dials and calls Hoseok.

Hoseok answers Jimin's call, "Hello Mr Park".

"I have a work that I want you to investigate" Jimin responds.

"Yes Mr Park, please tell me what you want me to investigate" Hoseok replies.

"I want you to investigate about my new partner, KHS housing architecture firm" Jimin tells Hoseok.

"Every detail about that company" he adds.

"I need to know about them more because I feel something bad that related to this company" he reasons.



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