Chapter 65

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While Namjoon rushes with the polices to where Jimin is, he heard the gun sound. Namjoon ran there, the view caused him to stop his step for a while since the first thing he saw.

Jimin was shot by Junhoe. He starts to fall on his knee to the ground, a lot of blood come out nonstop causes him to collapse on the ground suddenly.

What shocked Namjoon more, as well as Jimin was shot, Junhoe and Jeonyeon were also shot too. She died shortly after the bullet shot in the middle of her throat.

Junhoe begins to fall on his knees slowly since the bullet was shot in the middle of his head.

Chaeyoung heard the gun sound, she shouts and asks for Jimin while she tries to move.

Jungkook bites the hand of the black suit man and steps on the man's feet, he runs to Namjoon. "APPA!" Jungkook calls while running.

"KOOKIE!" Namjoon yells tremblingly and his eyes open widely, he saw the black suit man who Jungkook stepped on his feet is lifting the gun and pointing toward Jungkook from behind.

"Don't!" Namjoon shouts from his lung, rush to Jungkook. Namjoon hugs Jungkook and turns Jungkook around to prevent the bullet.

He closed his eyes, waiting for the bullet to meet his back instead.


Namjoon opens his eyes, he feels nothing on his back. He looks to his chest, there is nothing.

Namjoon turns back to look at the black suit man, he lays on the ground with a body full of blood.

Namjoon cups Jungkook's cheeks, "We're safe, son!". He hugs Jungkook tightly again and sighs in relief.

After that, Namjoon saw someone is walking out from another dark side with a black mask covering half of his face, tall and doesn't wear a black suit, just a simple outfit, his hand is holding the gun.

Namjoon stuns, "Chan...yeol".

Namjoon thought that Chanyeol would walk towards him and his son, instead Chanyeol walks towards Chaeyoung who is still on the ground.

Namjoon stands up and held Jungkook's hand, he is standing looking at what is Chanyeol going to do next.

Chanyeol is in front of Chaeyoung, he kneels one knee and put the gun on the ground. He starts to untie the black fabric which covers Chaeyoung eyes.

"Chanyeol Oppa" Chaeyoung said. "Why are you here?" Chaeyoung questions.

Chanyeol didn't reply to Chaeyoung, he keeps untying the rope.

Then, Chanyeol stands up and pick up the gun. He was about to walk away, the police arrived, "Put the gun down!".

Polices point the gun toward Chanyeol, and they step toward him slowly and carefully.

Chanyeol throws away the gun unhesitatingly, raising both of his hands. Two polices step to Chanyeol, pull his hands down and put his hands behind his back.

Chaeyoung stands up, she looks at Chanyeol in confusion. Before Chanyeol leaves with polices, he stops his step and said to Chaeyoung, "Sorry for being the worst brother".

"Please forgive me, my little sister!" he adds. "Take care of yourself."

Chanyeol walks away with the police.

"PARK CHANYEOL NO MATTER WHAT, YOU ARE ALWAYS MY OLDER BROTHER" Chaeyoung yells from behind. Chanyeol turns his head a bit, smiles. He continues walking away.

Chaeyoung stands looking at Chanyeol leaving from behind, her tears fall so sudden. "Chanyeol Oppa" Chaeyoung said under her breath.

Chaeyoung noticed Jimin who is lying on the ground with blood. She dashes to him and she sits down, hugging Jimin. Jimin's head is near Chaeyoung's chest.

"Jimin, you can't leave me like this." Chaeyoung said in a crying tone. She shakes him, but he seems like a lifeless body.

"Jimin please wake up!" Chaeyoung begs, cry. Chaeyoung cries harder and harder.

"I haven't told you that I love you Jimin, why you leave me so fast" Chaeyoung mumbles, shut her eyes and tears keep falling. "How can I suppose to live without you, Jimin?" she lowers her tone.

Taehyung, when he told Namjoon to bring the police, got out of the car and run to that place. It is quite far from each other.

Taehyung arrived there, he stunned as he saw his best friend lying with blood. He felt like the world stopped, and his eyes became glossy.

He kneels suddenly, his hands leans on his knees, "I'm sorry Jimin, I was too late".

Namjoon wander, he went to tell the police to call the ambulance and he keeps begging the ambulance to arrive fast.

Jungkook who is standing there walks towards Taehyung. Jungkook is too young, he just a three years old boy so he can't understand this, but he can feel it.

Chaeyoung is still hugging lifeless Jimin and crying hard until a voice said, "I can't breathe".

Chaeyoung stops crying and stare down, she gasps, "Jimin!". Chaeyoung feels like she was born again.

Taehyung lifts his head to look at Jimin, he grins.

"I thought you're dead." said Chaeyoung.

"Ugh" Jimin whines. "I was about to die, but I heard someone said words that made me goosebumps" Jimin replies, stare at Chaeyoung.

"You scared me" Chaeyoung hits Jimin.

"Aigoo" Jimin groans painfully.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asks worriedly. Jimin points to his left arm.

"I don't notice your left arm got shot." Chaeyoung is surprised.

"I was shot on my arm, and I feel weak", "I collapsed for a while" Jimin explains. "But you shake me, and..." Jimin strangles, smirk.

Chaeyoung looks away, she knew that Jimin is teasing her about what she has just said earlier. "Thank that I was shot, I might not hear someone confess to me" Jimin teases.

Chaeyoung pinches Jimin on his left arm caused him to groan in pain again.

While Jimin is groaning in pain, Jungkook said, "Tae uncle cried too".

Jimin stops groaning, looks at Taehyung. Taehyung tries to act as nothing happened. "You cried?" Jimin questions.

"No I'm not, I just ran there and an insect flew into my eyes" Taehyung excuses. Jimin chuckles.

"Like I said no one will be in danger if you listen to me earlier" Hoseok walks from nowhere and put his hands in his pocket.

"Sorry!" Taehyung apologizes for his stubbornness, stands up.

"Jimin, you have to suffer a little" Hoseok look back to Jimin who is still lying on the ground. "It is worth, isn't it?" Hoseok glances at Chaeyoung who bow down her head in shyness and back to Jimin, Jimin and Hoseok wink at each other.

Afterwards, three ambulances arrived. Some paramedics take the dead bodies. And other lifts Jimin on the gurney and they pull him into the ambulance.

While they are pulling Jimin, Jimin lifts his head a bit to look at Chaeyoung who walk following him.

Jimin twitches brows at Chaeyoung, when she saw, she looks away quickly. Jimin chuckles.



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