Assistant manager?

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A week disappears in a blink of an eye.

You wait patiently by Kageyama's homeroom after school. Students file out of the homeroom and the last one is Kageyama.

Your eyes downcast to your shoes.

"Were you waiting long Y/L/N?" A voice speaks above you. You look up to meet Kageyama's dark blue eyes. Shaking your head with a smile you reply with a no.

His eyes soften but he holds back a smile. "Are you sure you want to wait around while I practice? Did you not want to look at the other clubs?" Kageyama questions you as the two of you make your way over to the gymnasium.

You shrug your shoulders and exhale. "None of the clubs are sticking out to me."

Kageyama looks at you from the corner of his eye, intently listening to you. He opens his mouth for a second and quickly shuts them. He ponders on his words before clearing his throat to get your attention.

"Kiyoko...she's looking for an assistant to train. She's going to graduate soon so the volleyball team will need a new manager." Kageyama turns to look over to you. "I think you'll make a great manager. From what I remember in middle school you're very organized and attentive to detail." His words are softer than usual.

His cheeks tint a shade pink as he talks about you.

Kageyama scratches the back of his neck shyly, turning his attention back forward.

Your heart skips a beat when you hear Kageyama compliment you. Feeling shy you look away, tucking a stray hair behind your ear with flushed cheeks.

"You know about volleyball too so it shouldn't be too hard for you to be an assistant." Kageyama says as he opens the door to the gymnasium. "But only do it if you want to. I don't want you to feel forced to do so just because I said something." His large hand gently strokes the top of your head. "You can wait here, I'm going to get changed."

Kageyama leaves you alone in the gymnasium.

You start to realize how big the gymnasium is as soon as you're alone.

"Oh?" A voice speaks from behind you, startling you. "Are you waiting for Kageyama?"

You turn around to see Suga in his more casual gym attire.

A plain white tee and a pair of gym shorts.

Nodding your head you look at Suga. You're starting to grow accustom to his voice and face. Your eyes briefly looking at the mole by his left eye.

Suga smiles at you. "You look much happier today."

You widen your eyes briefly from his words as you watch him walk past you.

"Since you're here, can you help me put the volleyball net up? I would ask Kiyoko or one of the guys but it seems like they're running a little behind."

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