Classwork with Tsukishima

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You're out of breath when you reach the top floor. "God I need to work out..." You mutter under your breath. Making over to your room, you spot Tsukishima standing in the middle. Unlike your reaction to never being in a guy's room, Tsukishima is the opposite. He makes himself comfortable. "Have you been in a girls room before Kei?" You ask him when you stare at his back. Tsukishima shakes his head, his eyes looking around him. You wonder where Suga is when you turn around to see him waiting outside of your room. A flustered expression covers his face.

"You have to show some respect Tsukishima!" Suga shouts at him from outside, his cheeks a tint pink. Tsukishima scoffs when he looks at Suga's nervous expression. "Are you sure you're the senior out of the three of us?" Tsukishima chuckles. Suga puffs out his cheeks. "I am! I-I also know to respect a woman's privacy." Suga blurts out, his eyes meet yours. "Is it alright if I come in, Y/L/N?" You nod your head, walking over to him.

"Kei already made himself comfortable, so you don't have to be so stiff Suga." A smile forms on your face when you see his tinted cheeks. Suga nods and carefully steps into your room. Tsukishima walks over to your desk, his eyes noticing a pile of photo frames displayed. His face turns sour when he notices a photo of you and Kageyama. Despite how much Kageyama's hurt her, she still had a photo of the two together. You quietly walk over to Tsukishima, glancing at the photo frame in his hand. "Ah." You take the photo away from him.

"Why do you still have a photo of you two together?" Tsukishima looks at you. You place the photo frame gently back on your desk. Your eyes stare at the image, a small smile on your face. "That was one of the happiest memories I had with Kageyama." You whisper, your chest clenching in pain. "A-Anyway." You turn your head slightly, picking up another frame you place it in Tsukishima's hand. "You didn't notice this one, did you?" Tsukishima lowers his eyes away from you to look at the photo frame you placed in his hand. He loses his words when he sees a photo of him that you've taken the day you two went to the park with the duck ride. His cheeks heat up slightly when he lowers the frame to look at you.

"This is my favorite photo of you." You answer him with a smile before turning your back to him to look at Suga. Suga curiously looks at the other photo's on your desk and spots a few that you've taken during spring break. A wide smile forms on his face when he sees the selfie of the two of you together. "You framed our picture together." Suga stares at the photo with gentle eyes. Tsukishima overhears the word 'together' and walks over to the other frames. He furrows his brows together and snatches the frame up.

"When did you two take this one?" Tsukishima doesn't hide his irritation. Suga gently takes the frame away from him, flashing him a smile. "The first time we went on a hike with Hinata and Yachi." Tsukishima grumbles under his breath, jealous. "We're taking a photo right now Y/N." Tsukishima turns around to look at you, phone in his hand. You throw your hands out, covering your face. "I told you I look horrible right now Kei."

"And I told you, I don't care." Tsukishima retorts back, his hand gently wraps around your wrist. "You're still beautiful to me Y/N." He softly says to you, his eyes staring directly at you. You tense up, feeling your cheeks heat up from Tsukishima's straightforward compliment. Tearing your eyes away from him, you lower your eyes. "You're acting weird Kei." You bite your lower lip and you feel his hand release you. Tsukishima clears his throat, running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah..." Suga observes the two of you from afar in silence. He's conflicted with his own emotions to interfere between you two.

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