Yachi's confession

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Four days passed by during volleyball training. The team has been busy practicing against Nekoma, Aobajohsai, and Fukurodani High. Each team showing off their own way of battling on the volleyball court.

You've been observing everyone's slow growth beside Kiyoko and the two of you have been eagerly jotting things down.

The day seems to slip past you when you step away from the volleyball team practice in one of the courtyards near the lodge. The sun long gone and the sound of cicadas echo loudly in your ear. A yawn escapes your lips when you see Yachi run over to Hinata with a bottle of water. He graciously accepts it from her and chugs the water down in a matter of seconds. Tanaka cries out to her, asking her why Hinata is the only one to get a bottle. Yachi stands there nervously and Kiyoko interferes, placing a water bottle in Tanaka's hand. You giggle under your breath at the scenario.

"Oh? You're still here Y/L/N?" A voice calls out to you from behind and you turn around to see Suga wiping the sweat off his face with a towel. Even though Suga is the second setter for the team and has barely gotten any action in the matches, you find him practicing just as hard as the other members.

"Yeah, I just wanted to observe the others a little more." You answer Suga with a small smile. Suga nods his head and forms a small smile of his own. "You're working hard." He compliments you. Pressing your lips together you feel shy from his compliment. "It's nothing..." Your words trail off. Silence enters the conversation and Suga places the sweaty towel over his shoulder. "If you're free, do you want to take a walk over to the lake? It's a nice change of scenery." Suga looks at you for an answer. You're caught off guard from his offer and absentmindedly nod your head. He flashes you a smile and leads the way. You follow a few steps behind him, watching his shirt cling to his back from the sweat.

Thoughts wander in your mind about how hard Suga is pushing himself these past few days. It seems like Suga is fighting to stay in his position as a setter. You can't imagine how it must feel for him to have Kageyama take his position from right under him.

Suga notices the distance between you two and slows down to close the distance. "Something wrong?" Suga looks over to you with a relaxed expression. You shake your head, not wanting to express your inner thoughts.

Suga being Suga, doesn't pry for you to speak if you didn't want to. The sound of water hitting against the shoreline reaches your ears and the two of you sit under a tree. Suga stretches his arms up and leans against the tree stump. He deeply inhales the cool spring air and wears a small smile. You pull your knees up to your chest, folding your arms on top of your knee and resting your chin on your arms.

The two of you silently listen to the spring night sounds and the soft splash of the water. Usually silence would give you anxiety but you find yourself comfortable with the silence when you're around Sugawara. The two of you mutually understand each other without having to express your feelings into words. You feel like these past few days with Suga has helped you understand yourself a bit better.

Your eyes have not been wandering towards Kageyama as much. The thought alone gave your heart some comfort.

A few minutes have passed in silence and you look over to Suga. Your eyes widen briefly when you see him peacefully sleeping. Unsure what to do you nudge him slightly.

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