Welcome home, princess

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Daichi finishes off his skewers before opening the red curtains in front of you. You carefully take a step in and you notice several tables full of girls and a butler attending to each table. "You weren't lying about it being busy." You say towards Daichi who stands next to you. You hear Asahi's voice across from you. "Is the cake to your liking, princess?" Asahi says through a nervous smile. You giggle at the sight and Daichi hangs his head down. "I should probably tell Asahi to take a break. Will you wait here Y/L/N? I'll get a table ready for you." Daichi flashes you a smile before heading over to Asahi to relieve him of his shift.

"Welcome home, princess." A voice softly calls out to you. Your face heats up from the familiar gentle tone. Suga walks over to you, bowing. He wears a white dress shirt, black tail coat paired with black dress pants, matching dress shoes, and a tie. "S-Suga." You whisper his name. Suga flashes you a gentle smile. "I've been waiting for you." Suga whispers, winking at you. "I'll take you to your seat." Your heart clenches from Suga's words. You're unsure if he's role-playing or not.

Nodding your head, you follow Suga to a table sitting by the window where you can see the outdoor festivities. Suga pulls the seat out for you and you thank him before sitting down. "I'll be right back with the menu, princess." Suga excuses himself from you and you feel the color in your face drain. "I don't think I can handle this." You cover your face with your hands, feeling the heat in your cheeks emanating. You're not even the one role-playing as a butler. Suga returns with the menu and notices your hidden face. Carefully he puts the menu on the table and calls out to you. "Is something the matter?"

You stiffen from Suga's voice, lowering your hands. Suga notices your blushing face, his heart skips. "N-Nothing at all." You lie, your eyes noticing the menu on the table. Picking the menu up, you distract yourself momentarily. However, you can't seem to think properly with Suga staring at you. Looking up to Suga you nervously ask him for recommendations. "What would you recommend Suga?" Suga smiles when your eyes meet his. "Hmm...for a sweet princess like you I'd recommend the flan dessert plate."

You blush furiously from hearing Suga call you princess again. Your hands clench onto the menu while your heart hammers away. "Okay, that sounds fine." Your voice barely audible. Extending your hand, you hand Suga the menu back. He bows again before leaving. Feeling Suga's presence gone you exhale deeply. You turn your attention towards the classroom windows and stare below at the stalls. You wonder how the others are doing. Suga quickly returns back with your dessert. "Here's your dessert, princess." He gently places the dessert in front of you. You noticed the hand drawn whip cream hearts on the plate and an adorable teddy bear on the top of your flan.

"Did you draw this yourself?" You turn to look at Suga. His cheeks a tinge pink. "I did." Suga shyly answers you. Your chest feels warm and you feel giddy from the small gesture. "It's too cute to eat." You whisper. Suga overhears you and picks up the spoon beside you, carefully he slices through the flan and raises the spoon to your lips.

Is this part of Suga's job too?

You stare at the spoon in front of you. "I-I can feed myself Suga."

"Let me do it this once." Suga whispers to you. Your eyes meet his and you're startled by his gentle expression. Suga looks more charming than usual with his outfit. "Say ah~" Suga changes his voice to a more high pitch tone. Nervously you play along with him, opening your mouth. Suga gently spoon feeds you the flan before taking the spoon away from you. "That's a good girl." Extending his hand, he gently strokes your hair. Hearing him makes you flustered and you start to cough abruptly. Suga quickly hands you a glass of juice to which you hurriedly swallow.

"S-Suga you're having too much fun." You blurt out, face red. Suga covers his mouth with his hand and chuckles, his shoulder shaking from all of his laughter. "Sorry, your reactions is just too cute." Suga breaks character as he tries to calm down. You pout, taking another bite of the flan. "Were you like this with the other girls?" You mumble under your breath, feeling embarrassed. "Only with you Y/L/N." Suga's soft voice fills your ears. "I purposely busied myself by making the food for the other guys to serve." Suga squats down beside you so you're on the same eye level.

"I was waiting for my princess to arrive." Suga looks you directly in your eyes, his voice soft and tender when he speaks to you. Your breath hitches and your heart picks back up again. You're entranced by Suga's hazel eyes and his adorable mole under his left eye. Averting your eyes, you bite your bottom lip. "Are you messing with me again?" Suga looks conflicted on how he should answer your question. Pursing his lips he decides to play it off as role-playing. "I guess I should stop teasing you. I wouldn't want an angry princess." Suga chuckles under his breath, standing up.

With a huff under your chest you finish off your dessert. Turning your attention to Suga, you hand him the payment for your dessert. Suga shakes his head, gently pushing the money back to you. "May I ask you to pay in another form?" Suga curiously asks you. Raising an eyebrow you grow confused. "Another form?" Suga nods his head, "I'd like you to spend time with me for the remainder of the festival." You giggle under your breath. "You didn't have to ask me in this kind of way. I would've gladly said yes to you if you asked me normally."

Suga scratches the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed. "Oh? I was afraid Tsukishima asked you first." You shake your head, looking up at Suga. "I'm all yours for the day." Suga is the one to blush now. He lowers his eyes and quickly excuses himself. "I'll hurry go clean this plate and we can head out." You watch Suga quickly walk away from your table and you recollect yourself. Gently slapping your face to rid your nervousness from earlier. Your mind recalls to Suga saying he was waiting for you, his princess.

Squeezing your eyes closed you feel the heat rise in your face again. Even though he said it while in character, you couldn't help but feel your heart sway. You wonder how Suga felt when he said those words to you. "Ready to go Y/L/N?" Suga returns to your table and you nod your head, scooting out of the chair and standing up. Suga takes a closer look at you and slowly examines every little detail of the yukata on your body. "You look beautiful Y/L/N." Suga's words slip away from him as he's admiring your look. You widen your eyes from his words. "T-Thank you." Your fingers tuck a few stray hairs behind your ear. Suga grins and the two of you exit the classroom.

"Is there anywhere you want to go?" Suga turns to look over at you. "I haven't been over to the second year wing yet."

"Okay, let's head on over there." Suga grins at you, he extends a hand to you and you stare at it. "It's getting more crowded and I don't want to lose you." You flutter your eyelashes, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering. Nervously, you place your hand in Suga's large ones. A small smile graces his face and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. "Alright, let's go see what Tanaka and Nishinoya are up to." Suga gently pulls you close to him. A feeling of fear creeps over you when you notice how excited and happy you are getting by being next to Suga. 

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