Fukurōdani vs Karasuno

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"What's wrong with Y/L/N?" Suga walks over to Tsukishima. The two heading over to the middle of the court to line up. "She randomly started having a panic attack." Tsukishima whispers to Suga. Worry clouds over Tsukishima's eyes when the team stands in front of the net. Suga hides his emotions from his face when the team bows to Fukurōdani's team. "That idiot should be worrying about herself but she tells us to focus on the game." Tsukishima closes his eyes, biting his lower lip frustrated. Suga grips onto Tsukishima's shoulder, catching Tsukishima's attention.

"The only thing we can do is win the game for her Tsukishima. Let's show her all the practice we've been doing in her absence." Tsukishima's mood lightens up, a smirk gracing his face. "You mean I'll be showing her. I doubt Coach Ukai will sub you in." Suga dramatically clenches his chest, wincing. "You don't have to be so cold to the person who's trying to cheer you up." The two trade off laughter before Suga runs over to the sidelines. A smile forms on Suga's face when he see's Tsukishima's focus return on his face. Flicking his eyes up to the bleachers, he scans the crowd.

Y/L/N and her mom inch their way back to their seats. Seeing her calms the heavy weight in his chest. "We'll win this for you." Suga whispers.


Twenty minutes has gone by and the first set belongs to Karasuno. You watch intensely. Your hands clenching tightly to the cool metal bar of the railing. If Fukurōdani scores one more point it would be their win. Their fight only strengthened after losing the first set to Karasuno. "I never knew volleyball could be this intense." Your dad sits on the edge of his seat, clenching onto your moms hand. "That wild player is seriously wild too." Your mom adds in. Your eyes flick over to the spiky haired charismatic player.

"Bokuto." You say his name silently. He's a serious threat if the others are not paying attention. Asahi can barely keep up if you compare the two. Akaashi takes in a deep breath before he throws the ball up. Your eyes widen when you notice him do a float jump. "W-What?! He changed up the way he's serving the ball!" Yachi screams beside you, her fingers clenching the top of her head. The players in front of you panic at the unexpected serve and a loud thump hits to the floor. The referee then blows on his whistle stating that the point belongs to Fukurōdani.

The opposite side screams with excitement while you hear groans on your side.

"Looks like it's another third set game for Karasuno." Akiteru walks over to you, leaning over the railing. Your eyes look over to Tsukishima. His chest raising up and down heavily. Coach Ukai hasn't subbed him out yet and you noticed that Tsukishima is playing with more energy than the Nekoma game. "Kei is playing his heart out today." Akiteru grins when he stares at his younger brother. "I'm guessing you're the reason why." Akiteru turns to look at you with a gentle smile. "Oh? I figured that might be the case." Your mom nosily listens into the conversation and snickers.

Feeling embarrassed you lower your hat more to hide your eyes. "I'm sure he just wants to win this game." You lie.

Coach Ukai quickly forms a huddle before the break is over. "Looks like Fukurōdani are pulling a few tricks up their sleeves." Coach Ukai stares at each player, his fingers scratching his cheek. "What would you guys suggest? We have a few tricks up our sleeves as well." Hinata knits his brows together, crossing his arms. "They're most likely expecting Kageyama and I to do our special move so we can't depend on that too much on the last set." Suga clears his throat to get Coach Ukai's attention. "What is it Suga?"

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