You're special

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(Just skip the song to 00:30 second and listen to it while reading.... )

Y/n P. O.V.

"Y/n, Sis. Come down. " My brother said as I was checking for the last time if I left anything important behind.

"Coming! " I said.

I checked my room and my bathroom for the last time and went downstairs carrying my luggage.

I saw my brother preparing breakfast for me.

A smile formed on my lips with some tears at the thought of leaving him here in Busan and going to my dream University in Seoul

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A smile formed on my lips with some tears at the thought of leaving him here in Busan and going to my dream University in Seoul.

I got a chance at Seoul University and I don't want to lose this opportunity. 

"Sehun oppa, what are you doing? Let me help you. " I said as I went near him.

"No, you'll be tired from the journey. So, I want you to rest now. " He said strictly.

He has been my mother, my father and my brother at the same time since our parents died in a car crash.

I went near him and back hugged him.

"I'm already missing you. " I said, tears threatening to come out.

He sighed and turned around, facing me.

"Look, I don't want to send you there too. But you insisted. You know it's dangerous for you. " He said.

"But why? Why it's dangerous for only me? " I asked.

"Because you're special. " He said.

"But why special? "

"Because you are my sister. " He said making me smile.

"Thank you. Oppa. For everything you've done for me. Now I won't cause trouble for you anymore and I'll be a good girl. " I promised.

"Very good. Now, promise me one more thing. " He said handing me a necklace.

"Never ever took this off

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"Never ever took this off. Okay? " He asked and I nodded.

"It's beautiful. " I wowed at the necklace.

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