Y/n is missing

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Y/n P. O. V.

I slightly opened my eyes as the sunlight hit my face. I sat up with a headache. I looked around the room and realised I was in Jin's room.

Then I saw Him sleeping peacefully beside me but on the floor. I caressed his cheeks and went to bathroom. I took a quick shower and then wore this :

 I took a quick shower and then wore this :

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"I am hungry. " I said and
went downstairs to check if there's any food.

I went to kitchen and found some eggs and other supplements. I decided to make an omelette. There was some bread too.

"Perfect. " I mumbled and started to fry my egg.

As  was eating I wondered why the house was so quiet. Where's everyone?

(Listen to the music ..... )

Suddenly I heard a window breaking sound and went towards the room where the window broke. I saw a man whole in black.

Shivers ran down my spine when I saw who that person was....

Jimin P. O. V.

I was so happy to hear that I'll be marrying Y/n. My childhood crush.
I finished my work as soon as possible and went to Y/n's house. I knocked on the door. But there was no response.

I knocked again but still no response. So I used duplicate key and went inside. I called her and searched for her.

But she was nowhere.

"Ah! Kim! " I shouted as anger rushed through all of my veins.

I dialled Sehun hyung's number and called him.

On call :

Me : Hyung, Y/n is missing.

Sehun : What?! Why are you so careless? You can't even do one task right!

Me : But I know where she is. (smirk)

Sehun : Where?

Me : With Kims.

Sehun : Aish....

Me : Should I come? We can plan together.

Sehun : No! Stay out of this. I can't trust you with Y/n.

Me : What do you mean?

Sehun : You're not marrying her. Jinyoung will marry her.

Me : What?!

Sehun : Yes! I'll hung up now.

Me : Bu-

Call ended.

"What on the earth is going on?! " I punched the wall with my full force.

Then suddenly I remember that she wanted Jungkook's number. It means Jungkook helped her too.

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