My king

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(This chapter contains mature things. So, if you're uncomfortable please skip this chapter. )

Y/n P. O. V.

"You're so dead tonight, sweetheart. " Jin said smirking.

Oh shoot!

I instantly regretted the idea of splashing him.

His smirk made me gulp hard. He was coming closer.

"Jin, I am sorry. I-"

"What are you apologising for, sweetheart? " He whispered.

Shivers ran down my whole body at his husky voice.

Namjoon cleared his throat. And everyone looked awkwardly around the house.

"Jin, everyone is watching. " I said embarrassed.

"Then let them watch. Let them know who you belong. " He smirked.

"Umm, m-maybe we should l-leave. " Sehun oppa said caressing his nape.

"No, you guys carry on. We're leaving. " Jin said.

"Where? " I asked.

A feeling of fear and excitement rushed through my body.

"To our house? " Jin said and without any delay he teleported us in their house. In Seoul.

(Listen to the song....)

He wasted no time and grabbed me into his room.

"I thought I was going afterlife being a virgin. " Jin said whining.

"Oh my! Jin! " I looked at him shocked.

"And I came alive again just to wreck you. " He said licking his lips.

"Yah! " I said as I was feeling an unusual sensation and fear in my whole body. A little bit excitement can be felt too.

"It's true babe. " Jin said and slowly came near me until I tripped on my foot and fell on the bed.

He hovered over me. I breathed out as he was too close.

"You remember? I once told you to just wait until I do something to you." He asked staring at me deeply and I gulped.

"Use that sweet mouth of yours. " He said tracing a finger from my forehead to my nose, then to my lips and his finger stopped at my lips. He caressed my lower lip with his thumb, pulling it.

I gasped and said,
"I-I remem-ber. "

My breath hitched.

"Very good. " He said and pinned my hands above my head causing my chest level to increase.

Then his one hand held my both hands and the other cupped my face.

"Well, today I'm doing that 'something' to you. " He said and looked at my eyes.

He slowly was coming closer causing the space between us to decrease. He continued to come closer until his lips touched mine.

He kissed me softly with love and passion. But soon it turned out as a hot make out. He pushed his tongue inside of my mouth causing a small moan to escape. His tongue explored all corners of my mouth.

And his hand travelled all around my curves leaving goosebumps all over my body.

I pushed Jin as I was in a shortage of breath.

"I like how your body reacts under my touch. " He said while smirking.

"Ji-ah~" I moaned when he attacked my neck and my jawlines with his hungry lips.

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