You have a very good taste

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(Listen to the song.... )

Y/n P. O. V.

I felt something soft between my legs. And I dared not to look at it.

Instead I shouted for Jin.

"JIN!!!! "

The door bursted open and I saw Jin and Taehyung.

I quickly jumped up and ran to Jin hugging him.

"What's wrong? " He asked.

"There's something between my legs. Ahh! " I shouted as I panted heavily.

Jin looked behind me and started to laugh out loud.

"What? " I asked confused.

"Get that rid of me! " I commanded.

"Haha, Y/n! " Taehyung started to laugh even more.

"Why are you guys laughing?! " I asked now totally mad at them.

"Because it's you own tail. " Jin said throwing his head back because of laughing so hard.

"What? " I went to the mirror and saw that I was having cat ears and when I looked back I realised, the soft thing was my own freaking tail.

"Aish.... " I said and I put my hands on my hips while those two were still laughing.

"Yes, you guys can leave please. " I said sarcastically.

"By the way, Y/n you remember that we go to a University, right? " Taehyung asked and I gasped.

"Oh my! "

I mean how can I forgot that I attend Seoul University? Oh my!

"So, we have to attend. " Taehyung informed and left the room.

"Jin? " I whined.

"What? " He whined too copying me.

"What excuse shall I give to the teachers? " I asked.

"Don't worry, Yoongi took care of it. We will attend from today. " Jin smiled at me and I sighed in relief.

"What time is it? " I asked.

"Well, we have only an hour before class starts. " He informed.

"Oh shoot! " I ran to the bathroom.

But that really was a bad idea because I didn't have any clothes with me.
I sighed.

I slightly opened the door and tried to see if anyone was in the room.

As I saw it was clear and I got out of the bathroom in my towel.


"Aahh! " I almost screamed as Jin called for my name from behind.

"Well, you don't have any clothes, do you? " He asked.

I shook my head.

"That's why I went to your house and brought some clothes. " He said as he handed me a bag.

I looked at him in surprise.

"How did you know? " I asked.

"Well, you didn't have any clothes yesterday too. So,...."

"Oh! Thank you! " I took the bag and headed to bathroom again.

I went through the dresses and I saw that he only bought short dresses.

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