Because of you

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(Listen to the song please..... )

Jin P. O. V.

As I left her in her room, I went straight to my house.

After entering my house I went towards Taehyung's room and knocked on his door. He opened his door and let me in.

"What are you doing here? " He asked.

"Help me. " I said.

"Why? " He asked.


"What happened to her? " He asked tensed.

"Is she a vampire? " He asked me again.

I nodded my head as a no.

"I checked her pulse rate just a moment before. And she isn't a vampire. " I sighed heavily.

"Then why does she smell so attractive? I was at the edge of drinking her blood. I couldn't control myself. " He said.

"Namjoon was trying too. " I said and Taehyung widened his eyes.

"But she wasn't hypnotized by Namjoon. But again when I hypnotized her, she blacked out. " I explained.

He widened his and and said,
"Continue. "

I nodded and continued,
"I'm also addicted to her smell but I never felt the urge to drink her blood. Every time I'm near her I feel my heartbeat. It's new to me. I never felt my heartbeat before. "

He smiled at me.

"What? " I asked.

"Oh, hyung... " He whined.

"What is it? " I asked.

"You still can't get it? It's Y/n's heart that is beating inside of you. " He said.

"What do you mean? " I asked confused.

"Look, we can never feel our heartbeat, can we? " He asked.

"No.... "

"Oh, hyung! She's your mate! " He said and I gasped loudly.

"But how can a human can be-"

"It's rare but not impossible. " He said grabbing my shoulder.

"Listen. You said you feel your heartbeats when she's near you, right? " He asked.

I nodded as a yes.

"It's actually her heartbeat that you're feeling. It means her heart beats fast when she's near you. She likes you. " He explained.

And trust me I've never been this happy in my entire life.

"Really? " I asked. Happy tears in my eyes.

"You found your mate! I'm so happy for you. " He jumped up and down and then hugged me.

I just smiled brightly.

"Now, what you'll do? How will you tell her that she's your mate? " Taehyung asked.

"I've already thought about that. Just play along with me. " I said and he nodded.

It was almost morning so I again went to her house but she was still in sleep.
So I decided to make her breakfast.

I don't eat food much. But I know how to cook. I learned it from my mom.
So, I made my favorite pancakes and apple sauce.

Then I went to her room and she was already a mess.

"Y/n y/n think. Think! " she said while holding her head.

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