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Y/n P. O. V.

"OK, first we've to go to the office and then head to class. " Junior said as we walked through the corridor.

I nodded and went to the office with him.

"Excuse me. I'm a new student here from Busan. And my name is Oh Y/n. " I said to the lady sitting there.

"Oh yes. You need a routine, a map and some documents right? " She asked smiling sweetly.

"Yeah, ma'am. " I nodded with a smile.

"Wait a moment. " She said and started to type something on her computer.

"Okay, then I'll leave. Bye. " Junior said as he waved me a goodbye.

"Not so soon? " I asked. 

"Have some urgent work, sorry. " He said. 

"Oh okay. " 

I also waved him bye and turned to the lady.

"Your brother? " She asked.

"Like one. " I said.

"Okay, here you go. Your first class starts exactly 1 and half hours later. " She said.

"Oh thank you. " I bowed and left.

"1 and half hour? Gosh, I could've showered a little longer if I knew. What I'll do now? Oh, there's a library. Okay, I can spend some time there. " I said to myself.

I went to the library according to the map and gasped as I entered the library.

It was huge and well decorated. It was really praiseworthy.

As I walked in I saw all the tables full except one. So, I went to sit there. I pulled the chair and sat but the person sitting opposite me looked at me as if I was an alien.

He was pale and his lips were red. And most importantly he was handsome.....

"Why did you sit here? " He asked annoyed.

"Because it was empty. " I simply answered as I opened my book and started to read it.

"Do you know who I am? " He said gritting his teeth.

"Oh, you are? Another human like me. " I said pointing to a fact.

"Last time I'm saying you. You can't sit here. " He said glaring at me.

"Why? Is your name written on the chair? Do you own this chair? Hmm? " I asked now a little bit annoyed too.

"What if I say this is MY table and MY place? " He said.

"Why? Do you stay here? " I asked.

"You're good with words, don't you? You are going to pay for it. Remember that. " He said and stood up as he was ready to leave.

"Jerk... " I whispered.

"What did you say? " He said turning to me.

"Nothing. " I said casually.

"But I heard you calling me jerk. " He said glaring.

"And why do you think that I called YOU a jerk? " I asked.

He said nothing.

So, I answered,
"Because you ARE a jerk. "

And then I realised that wasn't a good idea as he was ready to drag me but someone called,
"Jin hyung? "

I couldn't be more thankful for him to appear. 

And that jerk's name is Jin.

He turned to the other boy and he said,
"Let's go from here before it's too late."

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