chapter 9

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when i wake up it's still reasonably dark. that's when i see the fog rolling towards us. i shake finnick awake quickly. he jumps up and as soon as he sees it he has the same idea as me. quickly rousing everyone we begin to run. but the fog is faster. i cry out in pain as the fog hits my back.

i can hear other people crying out as i run. i notice finnick stumble and fall with mags on his back.

she kneels down beside him kisses his head and walks into the fog. her cannon goes off instantly.

i don't know what made me but i race back to finnick and grab his arm helping him up and start running. trying desperately to outrun the fog. we were heading towards the beach. even when the fog hit an invisible wall we kept running. the others had reached the central lake and had just collapsed into it. it seemed to help.

finnick was pretty much passed out.

"where's finnick, mia and mags?" Johanna suddenly asks.

i ignore her as with the last ounce of energy i could muster finnick and i collapse into the water.

i keep my head under the water trying to sooth my aching skin. when i finally resurface finnick is awake again and sitting in the water.

"you saved me" he states the obvious

"don't get used to it" i snap

"is mags?" haymitch asks. i nod sadly.

"she did it to let finnick live" i say quietly.

"you should get some more rest" johanna states. "we should be safe here for a while at least"

i nod and settle down just letting sleep watch over me.

when i wake up finnick is sitting by himself slightly further away. he had two parachutes beside him both opened. None of the others seemed to be awake.

i leave him be and just sit there staring at the central lake.

finally once everyone is awake we sit in a group discussing our next plan of action. i sit beside wiress who keeps saying tick tock. tick tock.

at that moment the lightning hits the tree. much like the day before. with a jolt it hits me.

"it's a clock" i say in disbelief. all head turn towards me. "tick tock. the arena's a clock"

grabbing a stick i quickly draw the circle and put in the sections.

"lightning hits the tree at exactly 12 o'clock. it lasts for an hour. we don't know section 2 but section 3 must be the fog. it suddenly cut short when we entered a new section." i state i notice the monkeys standing on the edge of their section "the monkeys must be section 4."

they nod in understanding. "we should find out what the other sections are" johanna states "stock up first."

we begin walking towards the cornucopia. as we begin to stock up someone suddenly throws a spear which just misses me. notching an arrow i spin round. to find enoboria standing with a second spear ready. i fire the arrow at her and it just misses her.

at that moment the cornucopia begins to spin. it was fast and we had to grab onto anything we could.

i feel my hands start to slip and a splash behind me signalling one  of the other's have fallen into the water. there's a cannon and i look around worriedly only to find cashmere is the only one that had fallen. my hands are slipping more and more and i'm trying desperately to keep a hold of the rock. the tears threaten to fall as i  realize if it doesn't stop soon i was going to fall.

"i'm sorry newt" i whisper as my hands finally slip out. i close my eyes waiting on hitting the water. except it never happens. someone grabs me by the waist and keeps me there until the cornucopia finally stops spinning. we had had to dodge the weapons the whole time so they were now strewn everywhere.

i get to my feet after rolling out of the persons grasp. i turn to see finnick trying to clean a nasty cut he gained. i keep silent for a moment just watching him. he was doing it wrong.

"here" i say gently. "let me see"

he looks up in surprise but nods. quickly opening one of the packs i grab some bandages and disinfectant.

"this is going to sting" i warn before dabbing the disinfectant on his wound. he winces but i ignore him before quickly wrapping it up.. "thanks"

"no problem" he replies.

3 more cannons go off causing me to jump.

The others exchange glance which causes me to become a bit suspicious.

"let's move from the beach" johanna states cleaning her blade. i notice the dead body of cashmere beside her.

i merely nod and we move towards the jungle again. we couldn't have been walking for long before i heard it.

"mia" newt screams. "mia help"

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