Ch. 30

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"You're not coming with me to my doctor appointment." I tell him, as I block the door. He is absolutely crazy if he thinks he can sit in the room while I get my lady bits examined. Crazy!

"Why would you go alone?" He asks, perplexed. Clearly, wondering why I am so vehemently opposed to the idea.

"Are you kidding?" I ask, momentarily caught off guard and close to laughing. It occurs to me he has no idea what happens in a gynecologist office. My smile has him thinking that he's won. It hasn't.

His hand moves up my arm, trying to lower it so its not blocking the door. I see Robyn at reception watching our exchange curiously. "Let's go." He says, pushing me out of the door and closing it behind him. He can hear everything I am saying. He just doesn't want to listen. Typical.

"Robyn, please help." I say, shaking my head in amusement.

Confused but intrigued she asks, "What can I do?"

"Tell Mr. Greco that his presence is not needed at my gynecologist appointment." I beg.

Her eyes widen and she smothers her smile with her hand. "Well, I don't think it's a problem."

"See." Alix states, looking at me in triumph.

"Unless, he plans on being in the room with you. Then that could get awkward." She finishes, siding with me.

"See." I say, mimicking his bratty response.

"Why wouldn't I go into the room with you?" He asks, starting to sound a suspicious.

"Because, it is a personal appointment. It's like me asking to watch your prostate exam. Which, I would never do." I point out, totally grossed out.

He looks deep in thought. "Just what the hell happens at these appointments?"

I can't help the laugh that escapes and neither can Robyn by the sound of it. I shake my head. "They check my lady parts. Weirdo. What did you think happened?"

"I thought you were just going to get on birth control." He states, simply.

"I am." I say, in exasperation. I really didn't want him to talk about the reason for my visit. Especially, with Robyn here listening. "It's part of getting on contraceptives." I say, pleading with my eyes for him to accept it and go back into his office. At this rate I am bound to be late.

He hesitates, "I'll stay in the waiting room for you to finish." He relents.

I sigh, "Of course you will." I mutter and turn to leave.

Once outside he says, "I'll drive." As he unlocks his car.

"You don't know where we are going. I'm driving." I state, holding out my hand for the keys to his car. His eyebrow raises but he hands me the keys. I drive us to the doctor, smirking widely as I take corners too fast, knowing I'm making Alix very uncomfortable.

I park and we both get out of the car. "This is a fun car to drive." I confess, smiling wide.

He doesn't say anything, just takes the keys from me and locks the doors. "Oh, yeah. Enjoy it did you?" He asks, conversationally.

"Absolutely." I answer, unequivocally.

"Good. Because it's the last time you're going to drive it." He replies, striding to the double doors of the building.

My jaw drops. "So selfish! You have more." I point out.

"I do." He nods.

"Didn't your parents teach you how to share?" I ask, slightly amused.

He holds the door open, looking me up and down from head to toe. "If they did, I wasn't listening."

I read the look in his eyes and my smile drops. "I'm not a car, Alix." I tell him, walking past him and into the lobby. This guy won't stop until he owns the world, people included.

I walk up to reception and sign my name on the check-in clipboard. "I didn't say you were a car." Alix says, standing behind me.

"You didn't have to." I tell him quietly. We walk to a set of chairs and sit down. The show Fixer Upper plays on the television on low volume. I love this program. I haven't seen it too often but I always love the houses at the end of the show.

"I didn't have to? What does that mean?" He questions, a slight edge to his voice.

"It means that you can keep your car, but who I share myself with is up to me. Not you." I tell him. Knowing full well as long as Alix is in my life and I continue to work for him I'll be at his beck and call and under his control. Still it felt good to say it, even if its not true. I know I'm not going anywhere.

"That's right." He nods, but I see the stiffness in his jaw.

I nod. "Yes, it is."

    He is biting back what he really wants to say and I commend him on his success. Alix admitting that he has no control over me is asking for a lot. Of course, his actions have and will continue to be the opposite of what he just admitted to. We both know it. I'm not going anywhere and even if I wanted to, he wouldn't let me. Not because he loves me, but because he has all he could ever want. Us being together makes sense to him. No fuss, no frills, simple and easy. Comfortable.

I laugh, humorlessly. "I'm not stupid. I know you don't believe that. Not that I do either." I admit, honestly.

He doesn't have time to respond as I hear my name being called. I stand up and follow the nurse with a nice smile. It only takes seconds before I feel his presence behind me. "Alix, this is a one man show." I remind him.

"I'll wait outside the room." He nods.

I clench my teeth. "How about you stay here." The look in my eyes books no room for argument. He relents and sits back down. I give the nurse an awkward smile and follow her to a small room. I answer the usual questions and minutes later I am left alone to put on the hospital gown. The familiar knock comes, telling me the doctor has arrived.

    I leave the examination room and pay my copay at the desk. I thank her when she hands me back my credit card and walk back into the office. Alix notices me and stands up. I watch the other men and women assessing him, taking in his height and sheer mass. He is a rather large man, definitely someone you cannot help but notice.

We leave the lobby and walk out into the parking lot. "Want me to drive?" I offer, already knowing the answer.

"I think I can handle it." He smirks.

I smile, "I have to pick up  my prescription. They'll call when its ready."

He nods that he heard. "The pill?"

"Yep, excited? No more condoms." I tell him, even if he's not excited I am. I know that we both have gotten carried away and protection has skipped our minds. The stress of having to remember will be gone, which is certainly something I am looking forward to.

He looks towards me. "Very, excited."

"It takes a week to work. So, until then we gotta wrap it up." I inform him, poking his arm.

He grunts, unhappily. "I didn't know it took that long."

"Apparently, it has to build up in your system." I tell him, "I had no idea, either." I confess.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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