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"You'll meet him someday!"

"Keep trying! Dreams come true!" they say.

They don't get it. Sure,maybe I'll get to snap a quick picture with you someday and get a glimpse of your face then get shoved out by the security. Don't get me wrong, that would mean the world to me, but I'll never actually meet you. Never hang out with you,tell you how much I love you. How inspirational your music is.

How you saved me. Never learn about  what you do before you go to bed, or your bad habits, or your favorite foods. Never hear you say my name. You'll never know me either. To you, I'm just another fan, another girl screaming your name and crying as you look out into the audience.

I'll never be your friend. I'll never actually meet you. My true dream will never come true. I'll always be another fan. And that's what kills me.

Hey ihr, ich wünsche euch allen von ganzen Herzen frohe Weihnachten. Und an denen, die kein Weihnachten feiern hoffe ich, dass ihr einen schönen Tag gehabt habt. :) Vielleicht habt ihr auch das ein oder andere Geschenk bekommen, was ihr euch gewünscht habt. Mir persönlich hat Weihnachten dieses Jahr sehr viel Freude bereitet. Hab auch viel Justin stuff bekommen. ;)

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