CHAPTER 1: The Invitation

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I stared at my formal invitation in disbelief. "Oh my gosh! Brianna, are you serious?" I cried.

 My hands shook as I re-read the words at the top: 'We're having a party in Michael's dorm, and we think you'd be hot snatch!~ Be there at 7:30 PM sharp, I have to get you dolled up an hour before. P.S Michael wants to meet you under the bleachers - outside on the football field! His words, not mine! ;)' 

A million feelings swam inside me. 'I feel like I could violate the geneva convention at any moment, like I want to free Theodore J. Kaczynski. Queen Elizabeth is my enemy, I think the 2 party system is really fucking stupid, and I fucking hate centrists, Rosie O'Donnell is a fucking whore, Westboro Baptist Church YO YO YO.' I thought to myself, a grin plastered across my face.

I think college has really been getting to me, damn it! I should be celebrating this moment, this is one of the few parties I've ever been to. I really feel like getting an Iced Cappuccino to calm my nerves, I'm so excited!

A sharp 'BEEP-BEEP-BEEP!'  sounds out of nowhere, disrupting my thoughts. 

"Shit! I'm late for class!" I muffle my screams into my unicorn sweater and start jogging down the hall, sweat already breaking. I've been thinking of losing weight, but my therapist told me to be more self-accepting and body positive. 


I enter into the class without much gusto, feeling like a lamb to the slaughter. I could almost feel my classmates stares burning holes into my back. I glance up to meet the furious, irate expression of my professor.

"Anna. In my class, there are rules you need to adhere to; care to explain what had you so cooped up that it caused you to disrupt MY lesson?"

I gulp, searching for an excuse. The realization hit me like a cinder-block.

"I-It wasn't my fault.. a bunch of right-winged guys were blocking my path and shouted in my ear, so I don't think I heard the 30-second bell!" I smile as wide as my cheeks would allow, wringing my fingers nervously. Everyone is still staring at me, some even giving me odd looks.

'What the fuck are they looking at?!' I wanted to scream, but the professor's hard glare cut me like a razor blade.

"Fine, please sit down." He grumbles, turning back to rearrange his paperwork. 

I blush, scurrying up the steps and clutching my bag and books close to my chest as I find an empty seat. A blonde-haired bimbo sitting next to me give me a once-over and scoffs.

"Thank you." he says, then looks at everyone in the room. Clearing his throat, he grabs the remote to change the slide on the board.

"What do you call the powerhouse of the cell?"


I piled out of the class after 45 minutes of absolute BOREDOM, excited to head back to my dorm and meet Brianna there. She probably has a dress picked out and everything! Maybe I'll get to wear that smokey eye-shadow that's trending right now!

 I don't wanna forget the icing on the cake - Michael Nunez's very  flirtatious invitation..

I giggled softly to myself, brushing back my brown locks and climbing up the staircase to my dorm, upstairs. My footsteps echoed as I began walking down the hall, the distant sound of music blaring against the thin walls.

I was more nervous and unsure of it now that I thought about it; I'm just a nobody to him, everyone calls me weird for being so into politics. ..What does Michael think?

'Whatever,' I thought, my strides getting wider and my sagging bag flopped flimsily by my side. I pushed another loose strand out of my face. 'Even though parties aren't really a big deal for me, I don't want to sour anyone's mood there..'.

I suddenly stopped walking. The hallway was clear, but I could still hear some yelling and shouting down the hall. Must be those guys from earlier.. someone should put a muzzle on them.  

I rush down another corridor and frantically search for my dorm number, slamming the door open once my fingers touched the knob.

I took in the sweet smell of lavender, nothing short of perfect. My room was exactly the way I left it; usually the sheets are ripped off and there are empty chip and soda bottles everywhere, but I guess today is not one of those days. 

I walk in, shut the door behind me, and place my bag and books on the floor in a neat pile. 'Brianna is late, that's more than out of character for her' but I don't ponder the thought for long as my dolls cheery faces immediately catch my eye.

I hastily rush over to my counter and pick up Fin, my shark doll, and Princess Dan, my princess doll.

I smile. I slightly move Fin up and down.

"Good day to you, Princess Dan!" I imitate the doll talking, "Billie Eillish's music can go suck Ronald Reagan's balls. What do you think?"

Princess Dan frowns. ".. I'm not quite fond of that thought, Fin." I imagine her crossing her arms.

Princess Dan reaches behind her and pulls out a rusty spoon. "Just for that, I'm going to have your head on the chopping block!" 

Princess Dan seized his neck in her grasp. Fin grabs at her wrists desperately.

"W-wait.. ! Pri-incess D-Dan!" He gasped. Fin choked up some blood.

Princess Dan chokes him like a vice. 

Fin chomps down on Princess Dan's wrist. Princess Dan reels her arm back and lets out a deer-like shriek, stunned.

Fin drops to his knees. "Wait, wait! Princess Dan, watch this!" he quickly moves his lips together.

"WHITE SH-HIRT.." he began, shaking to his core, "U-UM, BRU-UISES.. ON B-BOTH, UM, KNEES.. KNEES HURT!" Fin gasps.


Fin begins to drop on his back and spider walk in circles. He grabs a bottle of ink from his back pocket and splashes it on his eyes.

Princess Dan stood, and then collapsed into her self onto the ground. 

Fin snaps his head towards Anna's direction. "Anna! Please help!"

Anna snarls. "No. Fuck you, Fin! I know you saw this a mile away!"

Suddenly, the door opens without so much as a bang, and there standing in all her glory is Brianna Giddings; Anna's best friend, as well the Messiah.

Author's note: hey guys!! thanks for reading the first chapter! there's a lot more to come and I'm going to explain some things in the next chapter, so don't freak out. i know it's kinda weird, but bear with me.. things WILL get spicy - she's trying to discover herself.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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