WELCOME TO GOLDEN HOPE, a graphics portfolio. First things first, this is dedicated to 9ice_for_what because her graphics contest, Dark Neon (this is not part of a payment), convinced me to finally create a graphics portfolio, so thanks for that! Now please finish reading the rest of this chapter.
THESE GRAPHICS ARE all original designs by me. Some of they may be inspired by prompts or for contests, but they have all been created by me with lots of hard work. That leads me to my next point.
DO NOT STEAL any of my graphics. Seriously. I spend time on these and if I have to start watermarking everything, trust me, I will do so.
CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS appreciated. But please, be polite and make it constructive. "I like the blue but the leaf looks ugly" is not constructive.
PLEASE DO NOT hate on my graphics. Again, I've spent a lot of time on these. So be polite. That said,

Golden Hope || A Graphics Portfolio
Rastgeleit's not my best cover but i only just created the portfolio for a contest and now i need to make another cover so yeah and ow i just stubbed my toe