Chapter Six: Things Go Wrong Very Fast

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I knocked down one of the Delanceys with one swing then stomped where I knew it would hurt to get him to stay down. 

"Emerson! Blink! Help!" I turned to see Mush with a guy on top of him, trying to choke him out.

I ran over and kicked the guy in the side.
I was about to punch him again when someone grabbed me from behind.

Instinctively I reared back slamming my head into the guys nose. I turned and shoved him to the ground.

I looked around to see that Mush had gotten the guy off him but Davie was struggling to get Les out of harm's way.

"Davie you've got to get him out of here!"
"You think i dont know that!"

I punched the next guy to come at Les hard in the mouth.

Another followed and i took a blow to the side.
Wincing in pain i look to Davie.

"Just take him to Meddas. Then come back, we'll need your help."
He nodded and scooping Les up ran down the street.

While i was distracted someone grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, effectively holding me in place.

I craned my neck and managed to see Morris.
"Get your filthy mitts off me!" I yelled as I struggled.
Suddenly Race appeared out of nowhere and flying kicked him in the head.
"Don't mess with her!"

I turned and slammed my fist into Morris's stomach sending him to the ground.
Everyone continued fighting, but i could tell it was no use.

"Emerson!" I turned to see Buttons curled up being kicked by another goon.

I was on my way to help him when someone kicked me in the stomach, knocking the air out of my lungs.

I fell to the ground, and rolled under the wagon.
I stayed there a moment, till I could breathe again before dashing off to help Buttons.

When i finished the guy i helped Buttons to his feet.
I looked around.

We were definitely losing.
It was pure chaos.

I dove back into the fight to help Henry.
I punched the guy hitting him and knocked him to the ground.
The guy holding him down let go and faced me.
He swung hard at my head.
It was a direct hit.

I was dazed enough by that time that i couldn't dodge.

I worked not to collapse and roundhoused him in the face.

Suddenly a whistle blew.
It was the real Bulls, police i mean.

Romeo ran up to "Thank God you showed up! Their slaughtering us!"

The man backhanded him.

Romeo fell to the ground.

"Everybody run!" Jack screamed.
I turned to Henry "Take Smalls, Buttons, everyone you can get them some where safe know!"

Everyone began to scatter but the police, and Snyder, made it hard.

I ran up to the one who hit Romeo. "Dont touch my boys!" I screamed punching him in the face.

He stumbled back dazed.
Then he charged at me.
I sidestepped and he went past me falling into the wagon.

I kicked him and then moved on to the next one who was beating the boys.

Everyone was still trying to scatter.
Just about all the boys were gone by now thank god.

One bull grabbed at my arm and dragged me to the ground.

I curled up preparing for the kicks but they never came.
I looked up in time to see Davie deck the cop.
Damn that was hot.

"Come on we've got to go!" He hauled me to my feet and we took off running.

Then I heard a yell from behind me.

"Help! Jack! Race! Emerson! Finch!" I turned to see Crutchie screaming.

I let go of Davie's hand and tried to run back for him.

"Emerson no they'll take you too. They can't lose you! I can't lose you!"

I turned to him "I can't let them take my boys!"

With tears in my eyes I broke free of his grip and ran towards Crutchie.

The Delancys were beating him with his crutch.
"Knock it off!" I screamed and threw myself at them.

I managed to knock Oscar down but then Morris knocked my face with his brass knuckles.

I could feel the blood pour.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind.
Not realizing it was Davie I elbowed him and kept trying to fight my way to Crutchie.

"Emerson!" He yelled as they started to drag him away.

Snyder turned "Kelly!"
I socked him in the jaw and he stumbled.
Then he started to try and take me too.

I fought as hard as I could.
Davie came out of nowhere and decked him as he tried to put me in handcuffs.

The tears poured from my eyes and mixed with the blood from my cut.

"Davie let me go, I have to get Crutchie!"
Davie just scooped me up and ran.

"I...I have to get Crutchie. I have to help Crutchie. I cant let them take Crutchie." I pleaded.

We ended up in an abandoned alley.

I was just sitting balling.

"You should've let them take me. Now Crutchie 'ill be there all alone! What if they beat him?"

Davie just looked down at me.
"I wasn't going to let them take you. I couldn't lose you."

"Davie you don't understand. I messed up and I failed them."

I continued to sob as he sat down next to me.
"You did not fail them. You kicked ass out there. You.. you even got hurt for them."

"But I let them take one of my boys. I failed my boys."

Davie just sat there holding me, allowing me to cry into his chest.

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