Chapter 21: The Sword of Tartarus

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"Then nothingness was not, nor existence. There was no air then, nor heavens beyond it. Who covered it? Where was it? In whose keeping? Was there then cosmic water, or in depths unfathomed?" - Unknown


Pride Rock Air Force Base

Lion King Realm

May 23st, 2020

1:25 PM

The briefing room was filled with pilots from all over the multiverse. Today was a big day for everyone because they have discovered the weapon that destroyed the 101st. Everyone was ready to get their revenge on the bastards who killed their fallen comrades. Micheal and Chloe were in the briefing room next to the Galm Team. As for Boss, he noticed that a new squadron recently came from Zootopia. Then, Commander Bogo Came in.

Bogo: "Everyone here? Good, let's get started." [Lights shut off and the projector comes on] "We discovered that the unidentified laser is a long-range offensive weapon codenamed "Gladius". We believed it to be a Heartless Anti Aircraft defense chemical laser weapon developed as a missile defense system. According to our information, the strike zone is heavily guarded by jamming facilities and multiple antiaircraft artillery units."

Bogo showed the multi-aircraft artillery units and jamming facilities on the projector. Everyone was nervous by what they saw, however, their fear was gone within seconds because they were very determined to avenge the 101st and destroy Gladius once and for all.

Bogo: "Your objective is to destroy Gladius. But in order to do that, you must first neutralize the jamming facilities and the anti-aircraft artillery. Considering the importance of your target to the enemy, I'm afraid there's no way to avoid casualties from enemy resistance. In light of this, we have called in reinforcement for this mission. Work together with them to achieve the mission objective...Good luck everyone."

Everyone rushed to the hanger and prepared for the fight of their lives. James & Sora were already in the air circling the base waiting for Boss as he was about to take off. Most of the allies were entering the portal before the Galm team. Blue Squadron was already there.

Control Tower: "Galm 1, you are clear for takeoff."

Boss lifted off as he formed up with Sora & James. He heard someone entering the control tower and taking the mic from the base commander.

Micheal: "Boss, can you hear me?"

Boss: "Micheal? What are you doing?"

Micheal: "Listen, I just want to say this before you go in. Kill the bastards who took the lives of the 101st. Make them pay..."

Boss: "I will..."

With that Boss and his squadron entered the portal as Micheal watched them go while saluting them.

Micheal: "Good luck Boss."


Cronus, North Tartarus

Underworld Realm

May 23st, 2020

2:00 PM

Boss: " must be our reinforcements. Glad you could help."

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