Chapter 22: Mayhem at The Round Table

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"Time to Dive into the Fireworks" - Pixy


- Pride Rock Air Force Base -

- Lion King Realm -

- May 28th, 2020 -

- 11:00 AM -

It's been 5 days since Gladius has fallen. Boss, James, and Sora were relaxing in the hangar next to their X-wings along with Katelyn, Moka, and Iahfy. Katelyn was sitting next to James. Moka was calling Amelia while Iahfy was just taking Snapchat selfies with Boss asking him which filter should she use, and Sora was just playing with a deck of cards. Just then TJ walked in and spotted them. TJ was a gray wolf and had green eyes. He usually wears a black hoodie and shorts.

TJ: [Puts his phone away] "Hey guys!"

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TJ: [Puts his phone away] "Hey guys!"

Boss: [Smiles] "Hey TJ, what's up buddy?"

TJ: [Smirks] "Just got off the phone with my girlfriend. She told me that she might come by today."

James: [Smirks and snikers] "Well, look at you. Mr. Smooth is scoring tonight. Just don't be too loud, okay?" [Winks at him] "We need some shut-eye."

The three of them laughed while TJ was blushing in embarrassment. He spotted Sora holding a deck of cards in his hands. He took a seat next to Boss and Iahfy.

Boss: "So guys, what are we gonna play today?"

James: [Points at the cards with a smirk] "Lair."

TJ's ears shot up and his tail started to wag like crazy. Liar was one of his favorite games when he was back at the training academy in Zootopia. Liar was a card game that they all enjoyed whenever they got the chance to play it. The rule is simple, get rid of all of your cards through the means of deception. Each player gets 15 cards. Sora shuffled the cards like a pro and dealt them out between the four of them. The girls were watching and observing them.

Boss: "Since I have the Ace of Spades, I'll go first."

Boss put the joker card aside and pulled out the ace from his decks, placing it on the little table in front of him.

Boss: "Three twos."

James: "Liar."

Boss looked at him with annoyance before he laughed as he took his cards from the little table. Iahfy and Moka were giggling at him, this caused Boss to blush in embarrassment. James was smirking at him and Katelyn just smiled.

Boss: [looks at James] "Screw you, buddy."

James: [Smirks at Boss] "You're a horrible liar, no offense... Captain."

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