Chapter 28: True Feelings (Part 1)

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"Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be..."  - Unknown


- Somewhere in Northern Tartarus -

- Underworld Realm -

- June 8th, 2021. 6:00 Pm-

Two days have passed since Boss woke up and he was still getting used to his surroundings. His presence was only known in Northern Tartarus and his status of being alive is kept a secret from the multiverse. Even though the war between Disney and Tartarus ended, The Heartless War was still going on and he had a lot of catching up to do. In the meantime, Rex introduced Boss to her entire squadron. Zach, Hellhound 2.  Samantha, Hellhound 3, and Attessia, Hellhound 4. At first, the squadron didn't open up to him right away since he was in the upper world and human. But after spending some quality time together, they started to open up to him. Boss was hanging out with Rex and her squadron as they were chilling in the hanger, and surprisingly, Meru was there as well. They were talking about the good old days when Rex used to be the top ace of Heartless Airforce.

Attessia: [Smirks and Looks at Boss] "You're gonna get a kick out of this. But all the boys used to have serious eyes for her." [Points at Rex]

Boss: "Oh-ho, really?" [Looks at Rex and smirks] 

Rex: [Crosses her arms and looks at Boss with a smirk] "Even if they did, it wouldn't have mattered. The boys wouldn't be able to keep up with me..." [Looks at Hellhound 4 and winks] "and that left me out."

This received a chuckle from everyone in the group.

Samantha: [Looks at Boss] "Oh, Rex wasn't just fast. She was fearless."

Rex: [Looks at Boss] "The second that I saw my first air battle. I just knew that I had to get up there. Of course, the generals in charge didn't like the idea of a female ace representing their mighty air force. So, they didn't even bother giving me a jet."

Meru: [Gasps] "What did you do?"

Rex: [Looks at Meru and smirks] "I stole one..."

This surprised Boss and Meru. They were like preschool kids listening to their teacher telling them a dramatic story.

Boss: [Shocked] "Really!?"

Meru: [Surprised] "Wow... you never told me that!"

Rex: [Chuckles and smirks] "Life is too short to take no for an answer." [looks at Attesia] "Isn't that right, Attessia?"

Attessia: [Shrugs and chuckles] "If you would have waited for a sortie... you might have never flown."

Rex: [Smirks at Boss] "And once I got in the air, I didn't want to come down."

Boss was just smiling at the pilots around them. He used to think that people in the Heartless Air Force were nothing but barbarians who just fly around and rain death upon the land. However, these guys were different. They just wanted to taste the thrill of battle.

Boss: [Smiles] "It must have been awesome when she took to the skies..."

Zach: [Chuckles and Smirks] "You should have seen her when she first showed up at our base. Shiny black painted jet. Not just the Fly Ace. She was already calling herself..."

Attessia and the others: [Raised their fists] "The Fabulous Fly Ace!"

When Boss heard that nickname, it sent chills down his spine. He had to admit, it was a pretty sick nickname. This received some whistles and laughs from everyone. 

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