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"stop eating your sandwhich and tell us what miss seo said to you!!" jiin said as she was so ready to hear some words from me.

"same as always" i boredly replied and bited on my sandwhich again.

"oh~ she told you to stop sleeping in class because it makes you dumb" hyewon said as she repeated what miss seo always say to me. "eventually miss seo is right, sleeping in class makes you dumb."

"talk to the hand kang hyewon" as said as i raised my right hands to her face and rolled my eyes.

"hyewon being dumb is not a sin but please it's for your future, Go study hard!" bora said.

"im not dumb!" i said.

"then spell extrajellylious" jiin said making me roll my eyes again.

"how dare you to make your own world to make me look like a dumb person?!" i pouted and saw my friends are laughing at me.

It's abvious that the word jiin was giving is her own world what the hell is that extrasjsjsvdgdhliuos?!

"how can you even get rowoon's attention when you are so dumb?" jiin rolled her eyes as she looked at rowoon eating clamly. So precious–

"then i'll study hard!" i shouted and saw hyewon clapping.

In four of us hyewon is the only supported friend and also one of the top of our school, then bora is like the eonnie figure and jiin abviously the not so bad ass.

"study hard huh" jiin smired and continued eating her food.


"what's the next class again?" i asked hyewon. We are in our classroom now waiting for out subject teacher. I fowned as i realized it's time for mathematics.

Our mathematics teacher walked in to our classroom and started discussing things that i can't even understand?!

So i started sleeping again.

"class dismissed" i hear our teacher walked out so i started starching my arms and yawn.

"i can change nye nye" i rolled my eyes as jiin repeated the words i said in cafeteria.

"stop sleeping in class hyeyoon!" bora said and slapping my arms.

"it was boring, what??" i reasoned.

"whatever, we have homework answer it your own" hyewon before standing up, leaving the room.


I pouted as i was walking in side streets it's already 5  in the afternoon, i realized i was never noticed by rowoon.

We have been classmate for 7 years but he still doesn't even call my name, i also never saw him smile in front of me, He has that cold treatment to everyone in school.

"im home" i boredly said walking towards my room as i saw my mom preparing alot of foods in table.

"hyeyoon, help me here we have visitors later!" mom said making me pout. Im tired– wait i didn't do anything in school.

"there is a new family that moved to our neighborhood! It's my best friend! "Mom happily explianed. The bestfriend she keeps on telling me that has a handsome and intelligent.

But i seriously don't care because rowoon is more handsome and intelligent.

I was smiling while holding rowoon's picture daydreaming in my room again but a knock from the door ruined.


"mom what?" i asked

"our visitor is here now, let's eat! And be representable" mom whispered as i walked down the stairs.

And saw dad in the center chair, i was about to sit in my chair when a fine young man Sitted in front of my seat, i almost shouted when i saw his faced


It's rowoon.

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