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"how can he seriously say im dumb?! I am not dumb!" i said to myself walking in the hallway of our school.

"AHHHHHH" i shouted out of frustration and i don't why.

I looked every where as i saw alot of students looking at him and someone are whispering now probably they think im crazy–

"oi are you the boss here?" i was surprise when someone Approached me. I Doesn't even know him.

I look at him from head to toe and putted my both hand on my Wist like a cool kid.

"if yes, why is it to you?" i asked confidently as i saw him smirk.

"well then see you in the hallways boss" he said and left me confuse. Did he just called me boss?


I Putted my back at the side of my table and sat on my seat.

"why are you sulking?" bora asked

"someone just called me dumb!" i said as i was looking at rowoon's ba whose probably writing some lessons again. I also Empisize the word dumb so he could understand he was the one im pointing.

"the someone isn't lying tho" jiin joined making my eyes roll.

I am not dumb.

"i am not dumb, i can read! I can solve! I can write, dumb people can't do that!" i explianed.

And i heard hyewon giggle.

"yes you can read but can you read english? You can solve but you can only solve 10 + 10, you can write but you don't write at school, dumb people do that" hyewon said making jiin and bora clap at her.

Wait– why are they clapping at her??

"i told you all im not dumb!" i shouted as the whole class looked at me, i did not realize that miss seo is the front now.

I saw her smiled and looked at me.

"kim hyeyoon, go infront and spell balanced" miss seo said while smiling at me and the whole class was still looking at me.

I don't want to go infront of the blackboard but miss seo's look was scaring me out so i went in front–

As i was infront of our blackboard holding a chalk and trying to remember what the spelling is.




I looked miss seo one more time, i was looking like please let me seat now but she just raised her eyebrow and pronounced balance again

"B-A-L-A-N-C-E" a student from the door spelled making my classmates look at him.

It was the person who asked me if i am the boss.

"and who told you to be late in my class?" miss seo asked. "go infront and help her spell the word 'anonymous'"

He obeyed miss seo started facing the blacboard with a chalk on his hand.

"im depending on you, boss" he whispered as i shallowed so hard.

What did miss seo said?




Who the hell made that hard word?

"why are you two standing there?! Hurry up and write" miss seo shouted. My eardrums–

I started writing words that i don't know and this person beside me copied me. Dumb-

"hyeyoon. Didn't i tell you to practice your english skills?!" why is she shouting so loud. Mom help.

"you're even copying here!" miss seo said pointing the man beside me "her english is probably worse than yours"

"you haven't taught me yet, isn't it right?" he answered. Making miss seo's eyes close.

"you go sit down" miss seo said pointing me to my seat.

"how could you only know one vacabulary word?" i whispered as he smiled at me while pointing his white shirt inside his uniform.

It says ‘balance’


"you, introduce yourself"

"hello, im lee jaewook a tennis player, hope we all can be friends"

Jaewook on the multimedia 😭💗

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