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"why can you just give it to her why me?!!!" i asked.

Yohan keep pushing to the front door of our senior's classroom, i should be the one to give because his shy, dumbass.

"i Thought you have a crush on hyewon?!" i really thought. Yohan just gave a weird.

"are you serious no?! I just said she's pretty! Oh there she is!!" yohan said making a discusting face.

After that he pushed me infront or senior which jung chaeyeon.

All i just did was smiling awkwardly in front of her while holding a letter.

She look at questionably but still smile.

"s-someone want to gave this to you!" i said nervously and was about to hand her letter but someone took it in my hand.

"ooooh and what is this??" it's one of the senior.

"jaehyun just hand it to me" chaeyeon said clamly.

"no let me just read it" he said was about to the letter.

"n-no! Don't!" i said nervously, why would he read the letter!?!

I reach for the letter but he raises his hand like his teasing me.

"you want this? Then get it!"

I was literally jumping, i was so desperate to get the letter, i was the one who wrote it and it's so embarrassing.

"oi! Why are you teasing your junior!" my eyes went big when i saw jaewook holding our senior head like he was ready to upper cut him, wtf.

He got the letter from senior's hands and gave it to me.

"jaewook! What are you doing" why is hyewon right here?! "stop that he's our senior!"

"the teacher is coming" rowoon said. Wait– why is rowoon right here??

The seniors when to their classroom quickly.

Rowoon was right the teacher was

"hey! You student! why are you still right here?! Go to your classroom now!" the teacher should as hyewon grabbed yohan's hand and ran fastly.

"go!" rowoon said, i was shock when suddenly rowoon grabbed my hands and the next thing i knew, we are both running while his holding my hands.

"Who are the student who messed up with class A-2?!" a loud voice entered our class which made us all shock.

We all went from shock to nervous after figuring that it was our school principal.

Class A-2? Isn't that jung chaeyeon's section?!

"who gave chaeyeon a letter?" he shouted.

I was right.

"sir can we just calm down?" miss seo said wanting our principal to calm down.

"calm down miss seo?! Is this what you teach to your student?! Giving a love letter to his fellow student??" the principal said as miss seo looked at us with anger.

We are doomed.

This is kim yohan's fault, i just want to kick him right now.

My eyes widen when mr.principal suddenly pull out a pink envelope and started opening it.

Dear you,

I like you ever since i saw you walking on the hallway.
My day isn't complete if i can't see your face.
The smile on your face makes my day happy.
You are my happiness and happy pill.


This is so cringey- sjsjsj i am not good at making love letter, it makes me cringe af HAHAHAH.

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