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My heart started to beat so fast that i don't know what to do. I saw him looking around in our house. He's in front of me together with my family and his?!

"hyeyoon are you okay?" dad asked that makes me came back to my sense.

I nodded as i started eating.

"hyeyoon what grade are you?" his mom asked. I stoped eating and smiled

"Grade 12" i answered.

"oh? Really? Our rowoon is also a grade 12" his mom happily shared.

"yes, i know we are classmates hehe" i smiled Awkwardly as mom and his mom was shocked.

How come they are best friends since high school but didn't see each other when me and rowoon graduated in junior high school??

"really? I didn't know that, that's actually good to hear" his mom smiled.

I looked rowoon who's peacefully eating his food. He was just eating and doesn't care about the surroundings.

Then his dad and dad has their own business.

After i went to room to relax myself because i think I'm blushing the whole we were eating.

I went to my rooms balcony and saw rowoon sitting our bench outside the house peacefully

Should i go ang talk to him? Should i?

I took a deep breath and opened my door's room and went down stairs.

You can do hyeyoon approach him like what you do in school.

"rowoon!" i smiled and sat beside him.

"i like you" i whispered. I pouted when i saw his blank Reaction.

"i don't like you" he coldy replied "i won't like a dumb girl" after he said those things he smirked and left me.

Please inform me if i have a wrong spelling or grammatical error or typos!!

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