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'how can a guy love you back?' I researched on my cellphone while walking on our school hallway.

I sighed as i read what the website blog says

"cook him a breakfast" how the hell can i cook him breakfast when i don't know how to cook?!

"be gentle" im Gentle, wait– am i?

I always laugh out loud everytime bora gives us a joke sjsjs

"make him a love letter every" i smiled as i read the blog, giving love letters? That's so romantic.

How can i make a love letter?

Should i ask bora? No she will probably ask more questions or why i need love letter advice.

What about hyewon? Huh no she will gonna Lecture me by saying 'stop writing love letter and read the letters in a book'.

Jiin? No, not her.

Then who?!

I should learn it myself.

"how can a guy love you back" i heard a voice of a man read what im researching on my cellphone, So i looked back and i was surprise to yohan, rowoon's seat mate.

"what are you doing?" i faced him.

"reading what the blog says, duh" he answered.

Look at him and rolled my eyes

"do you want me to help you?" yohan asked while smiling and rising his brows up and down.

"no, thank you" i answered and was about to walk away from him but i stop when i realize–

Yohan is also handsome and handsome, yea just handsome but girls might send her letters right?

So i smiled at him making his brows rise.

"you said you'd help me right?" i asked while smiling.

"library? seriously? Why in all the places in school?" i whispered at him and im Obviously Whinning.

Huh hello? I don't go to a library or even national book store, seeing books makes my head hurts-

"stop whinning and listen, these are the letters i recieve" he said while putting the 15 love letters he probably got.

15? That a lot of chicks–

"you got them all?" i asked not believing what i just saw.

"yea, i wrote them" he confidently said. Wait– what?

"what? I thought you receive them?" i asked.

He rolled his eyes and smile.

"i receive them back, the papers truly love it's owner" he said while looking at the letters.

"whatever just teach me how"

"here put this" he said while preparing himself

"i like your eyes.." he started so i started writing too.


Yohan and i just finished the letter we made and i am going to give this poem to him personally, me and yohan decide to make it a poem.

Because he said it's more romantic

"why are you smiling widely it creeps me out" jiin asked making me look at her smiled too.

"bora, hyeyoon is getting creepy" hyewon said while calling bora.

"do i really look creepy smiling?" i asked, do i really?! Maybe that's why rowoon don't like me because of my creepy smile.

"what are you thinking?" bora asked. So i look at her too and smiled. "you are seriously creepy stop that"

"all miss seo did to you this day is shouting at you saying stop being dumb and you are still smiling, you are unbelievable" hyewon said while stay away from, do i reallt look that creepy?

"nothing" i answered sheeply as i remember what im going to do later.

I got alarmed when i saw rowoon standing up in his seat and grabs his backpack

"bye guys! See you tomorrow" i happily said good bye to my friend and started walking towards rowoon.

"rowoon! Let go home together!" i smiled while walking beside me, but he didn't answer.

"oh i made a poem do you want to hear it?" i asked but again i didn't hear answer it's okay i don't need them.

I cleared my throat and started saying

"i like your eyes you look away when you pretend not care.
I like the your dimples on the corner every smiles that you wear–" my poem got at of when rowoon looked at me.

"you should study well than memorizing music lyrics" after rowoon said that he started walking towards.

Wait what? Music lyrics? I opened my bag to seek for the poem we wrote earlier and started read it.

"i like you look away when you pretend not care, i like your dimple on the corner every smiles that you wear I like you more, the world may know but don't be scared
'Cause I'm falling deeper, baby be prepared– " omayghad it's a song.

Did yohan just clowned me?!



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