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This couldn't be happening.

I blink once. Twice.

The horror before me is still there. Shit.

"Did you hear what I said, Ashton?" Jake asked like a whiny little boy who's a minute away from stomping his feet on the ground.

"Yes Jake, I heard you loud and clear." Ashton's response was full of forced patience like he's talking to a toddler.

I can't blame him. Jake is the biggest toddler there is. Why he bothers being patient with him, beats me. But right now, I'm more concern with the fact that I'll be traveling with this idiot for six hours on the same coach. Well, not if I can help it.

I started to approach them when I hear Jake speak again.

"Then do something about it mate. I am not riding any bus without my Carmella in it." He threatened. Ashton looked so frustrated I can't help feeling sorry for the guy. I mean, it was his fault volunteering to be the class president and all, but no man deserves to endure Jake's annoying tantrums.

I was about to go there and tell Jake he can stop his tantrums because he's not riding any coach at all when my phone beeps. It was Eunice messaging me and informing me she'll be late. Typical.

I was responding to her message when I heard Ashton respond.

"Jake, buddy, Carmella will be on the same coach." He said trying to placate the man-toddler.

"Then put her next to me." The man-toddler demanded.

"Can't do that bud. The only reason you'll be joining this trip was that Ms. Rossi begged Principal Carter to lift your suspension and promised she'll have you next to her throughout the trip." Ashton reasoned uselessly.

"Freaking Carter won't know man." The man-toddler was still being stubborn.

"Yes, he would. Then Ms. Rossi will take the fall. Again. That's not cool mate." Ashton answered, more forceful this time. Jake stared at him angrily. If I don't know any better, I'd think he's ready to pound poor Ashton to the ground – but of course I know better.

Jake wouldn't dare touch Ashton McConnoly. He's one of the few people Jake respects. Actually, I think Ashton is the only one he respects period – only because the man has the patience of a saint when it comes to dealing with his bullshit.

Me. None.

I can't watch the spectacle anymore. I sent the message to Eunice telling her the bus will be leaving without her if she's even a minute late, then walk towards the stupidest conversation I have ever heard.

"He's not stepping a foot on that bus Ashton," I told Ashton before Jake the jackass can continue his whining.

I didn't even bother looking at him. The man has a smaller brain than half an acorn. And that's me being nice already.

"Oh shit. I forgot to tell you he's coming." Ashton said rubbing the back of his neck, a sure sign he's super stressed out right now.

I smirked.

"No, he's not," I said, as I started dialing Principal Carter's number. One of the many advantages of being the sole heiress to the school's biggest sponsor is that I've got the principal on my beck and call.

Ashton realized what I was doing and took my phone.

"Come on Alex. It was your idea." He said frowning, annoyed at me as well.

I raised my eyebrow. Ashton is one of the few people who don't get intimidated by me. I like him and hate him for that.

"It was my idea to go to Cornwall, yes. But having him join us is definitely not mine." I said matter of fact as I took my phone back.

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