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"Do you think Alex will be fine?" Jasmine asked as we were leaving the hospital. I looked at the petite brunette. She must be really worried. Jasmine is the invisible girl of the crew. She's timid and really hates getting attention. It hasn't been working recently though as June, the obnoxious drummer of Gambits had taken an interest in her and is going out of his way to annoy her.

The boy has a massive crush, and he's not even aware of it. I shook my head. I was in no place judging someone's feelings. Mine is messy enough as it is.

I looked at Jasmine's worried face and smiled at her.

"Of course. It's Alex after all." I assured her, assuring myself as well. Alex is the strongest, smartest person I know. If anyone can get over an accident like this, it'd be her.

"It must have been hard for you" Sunny said sadly. The brown-eyed bookworm sagged her shoulders as she walked back to the parking lot with us.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave her a nudge.

"No. Because she will remember me soon" I said, full of false bravado just so I can ease their minds a little. I have been so sure she would gain her memories back the next few days after she woke up. I tried everything I could think of – pictures, notes, all the presents she ever gave me – but nothing.

She still can't remember me.

"Do you still plan on confessing to her?" Sunny asked, sullen.

"When she gets her memories back," I answered truthfully. As much as I'd like to do it now, I know I can't.

"That's right. There's no point confessing to her now since she can't even remember you." Eunice pointed out the harsh truth. She's totally on point. Alex is probably still getting used to me at the moment. I can tell she feels uncomfortable when I end up staring at her, but I just can't help it. She's there, but she's not. I'm going crazy.

"Have you noticed how polite she is though? That's nice." Sunny answered, smiling a little now. I looked at her again and noticed for the first time that she's wearing a dress. I know, I have been with her for hours but I didn't even notice because when I'm in the same room as Alex, I don't see anything else but her.

I mulled over what Sunny said and remembered how I was the first time I heard Alex apologized. Then she started thanking us and all the nurses that came to check on her. That was weird. Alex rarely even smiled before, but now she smiles all the time it's hard to believe she's the same person.

"Wait 'til she gets her memories back; she'll probably kill us for letting her apologize." I pointed out, making them laugh.

"She even said Thank you for visiting. That really creeps me out a little." Eunice said, snorting.

"Maybe we should take videos of her while she has amnesia then we can show it to her once she gets her memories back. A reminder that she can be nice Afterall." Jasmine suggested full of mischief in her dark blue eyes. "Do you want to die? Go do it by yourself." Eunice said and we all laughed. 

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