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I've been in this hospital for a week now. They came to see me again. The girls and Ian.

Ian just sat on the sofa though, staring at me but not saying anything. It's a little uncomfortable, but I dare not say anything. He seems to be on edge this last few days he came to visit. He was optimistic in the first few days. He showed me pictures, brought me stuff we used to like, and even showed me our favorite movie hoping they'll just suddenly click and give back my memories. They didn't.

"When are you going to go home? Exams are coming up soon. Knowing you you'll be fine even in this condition." Sunny was saying. She's usually wearing T-shirts and jeans and always have a book in her hands when she visits, but today she's wearing a pretty yellow sundress and holding a cute black leather bag in her hand. I smiled at that. The girl is really cute in a no-effort way. She's petite with big dark eyes and cute curly brown hair.

"Yeah, and I'll probably lose rank or two since Alex wasn't able to share her notes with me. Alex, please come back soon. My exams are totally reliant on you." Eunice whined as she sat comfortably on the sofa and started eating the cream cakes, they supposedly brought for me. I smiled at her too. I like how easy-going she is and how her entire face lights up in any sight of food.

"Aunt Rosie says I can go home in a couple of days," I answered, trying to avoid Ian's eyes because he's still staring at me intently and focusing on the girls instead.

The boy makes me nervous. He was supposed to be my best friend and we spent most of our lives together. Apparently, he lives just behind my house and we ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner since we were little kids. He's supposed to be the most familiar face in the room for me. But he isn't. Instead, his stare makes my heart beat a little faster than I think is healthy. He makes me stammer and I always feel self-conscious around him.

"Really? That's awesome! You don't know how worried we were" Jasmine exclaimed, pulling my thoughts from the demi-god before me. Out of the three girls, Jasmine is the only one comfortable enough to talk about the accident. Ian told me that I wasn't friends with the girls and that we just 'hang out' when it's convenient for us. But seeing the worried look on their faces, how could they not be my friends?

"I'm sorry." I apologized for the hundredth time. I hate that I worried everyone. I know it wasn't my fault I got into an accident, but I hate that they have gone through so much because of me.

I was still reeling from my guilt when I noticed everyone gaping at me.

"What is it?" I asked, perplexed.

"Nothing. It's just weird hearing you apologize." Eunice was the first to get over the shock. That made me sad. They were surprised I apologized. I must be someone who doesn't do it often.

"Why?" I asked anyway, even though I think I already know the answer.

"Because you're a stubborn little person who rarely apologizes for anything," Jasmine answered sweetly. I would have been worried she hates me, except she was smiling at me fondly.

"Really? Am I that bad?" I asked, fearing the answer. Maybe I was a terrible person after all.

"Really. But no you're not that bad. You're not good with words but you always find ways to make it up to people." Ian answered, looking down as if remembering something funny.

I smiled at that. I might be a terrible person, but at least I think I made a lot of good memories with these people.

"Yeah. There was this one time, you laughed at my scores and I was really upset with you. I mean, how cruel right? It's not like I'm in AIA for my brain. But then you made it up by giving me a full course very detailed notes for the next exam. It must have taken you the whole night to organize all of it. And since then, my scores in the exam had always been reliant on your generosity." Cassie answered with mischief in her eyes and I laughed.

That warmed my heart. I think it's horrible that I laughed at her, but at least I redeemed myself after.

"Yeah, and remember that one time she lost the pen you borrowed from me. I wasn't even really angry. You didn't apologize, but you spent the whole day and refused to go home until you found it." Sunny shared her memory too.

I guess I wasn't that bad. That's a relief.

" Hmm. I wish I can remember these memories soon." I said aloud.

"You will. Soon" Ian said with promise in his voice.

I looked at him and smiled.

Yeah, I will soon. 

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