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I woke up again not knowing how long it was since I was last awake. I'm still thirsty. Please god, I hope someone gives me water this time instead of putting me to sleep again.

"Alex! Thank god you're awake." For the second time, I heard someone cried beside me. It wasn't the woman though. The cry was made by a deep worried voice who seemed to have jump a meter when he saw me opened my eyes. 

I looked at him. He's tall and blond with gorgeous blue eyes piercing me with their intensity... as if they're willing me to keep staring at them without blinking. I had to blink though. 

Again, am I dead? No human should be this beautiful. It's not fair. I shook my head at the thought. Now is not really the right time to be admiring this man.

The beautiful man on the other hand just continued to stare at me as if he's still doubtful I'm really there. I tried to speak, but once again, my voice failed me.

"Oh, sorry. You must be thirsty. Here. Mom said I should give you just a sip when you wake up. She just went out to buy food." He said as he hurries to get the water by the table, put a straw in it and helped me drink. I wanted to drink more, but he took it from me after a sip. I'm still thirsty.

Mom? So the woman who was here was his mom? Is she my mom too... then that makes us... siblings? I couldn't think straight. I'm still really thirsty and he's taking the glass away already.

"I want more water." I croaked... god, my voice sounds awful.

"Okay, one more sip. You shouldn't overwork your throat yet." He said as he came back to give me another sip of water. It wasn't much. But it's a lot better.

Now that I'm not as thirsty anymore, I began to wonder who this guy is. I mean, is he my brother? I looked at my reflection on the TV. We don't seem to look alike. I mean I'm obviously Asian and with his blue eyes and blond hair, I'd say he's not. So maybe a cousin?

"Sorry, who are you?" I asked instead. Better ask than assume these things.

He didn't answer. He just looked at me as if he doesn't believe I don't know him. I waited a while and he just kept staring. It became awkward after a while so I had to speak again

"I really can't remember. I'm sorry." I said after a while realizing he was waiting for me to remember.

"Mom said you have temporary amnesia." He said instead of answering my questions, still looking as baffled as I am.

"That's what I heard too. So, who are you again sorry?" I repeated the question. I am super curious – more curious than I should be considering I'm in a hospital and can't remember anything about myself. I should be more concerned about the fact that I couldn't remember who I am instead of not knowing who the beautiful creature in front of me was.

"Ian. Christian Harris." He finally answered... but it doesn't ring a bell. Just like everything else in my life at the moment.

"Are you a relative?" I asked again.

"No." he answered, still staring at me. I'm getting self-conscious now knowing I'm wearing a hospital gown and my hairs probably all messy and my face... I don't even what to think about it.

"So... what are you?" I asked when it became obvious, he's not going to continue talking. He stared at me for what felt like a really long time then he shook his head.

"I want you to remember that out yourself," he said with firm conviction in his voice. As if he's begging me to remember. I want to remember. Why can't I remember anything?

I was in the middle of telling my brain off for not working properly when the woman came in with food.

"Oh, you're awake. Good. You can't eat solid food yet, but I'll ask if you can at least have some soup. You must be hungry." She said to me. She seems a lot happier now than the last time I saw her. Her face is brighter and the bags under her eyes are slowly vanishing.

She then turns to Ian. "I bought your food as well. Have dinner with us." She said.

"It's okay mom. I'll have to go as well. Visitation hours are almost over. I'll come back tomorrow" he said, not once looking away from me.

"Okay. Be safe." His mom said and Ian started to leave the room, but before he did, he looks at me again and said

"Welcome back Alex.You will remember me. I promise."

MY NAME IS ALEXWhere stories live. Discover now