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I ran up the stairs to the third floor into the storage room. Huh! I'm right. It's still here. I still know this hospital like the back of my hand. I grinned. They wouldn't catch me here.

I hid behind the shelves just in case. But knowing my old man, he would've given up the chase by now. I've been staying in this freaking hospital for three weeks and a half now and he's only visited now.

Don't ask why I'm here. Okay, do ask, cause it's really funny.

I got sent here because I 'accidentally' set the kitchen on fire. I was experimenting with this vinegar bomb recipe when it exploded in my face.

It wasn't that bad but it did create a small fire triggering the fire alarm. Nanny Jane immediately guided me out of the kitchen and out of the house. We were all outside waiting for the firemen when I realized, I didn't have my precious cap. I freaking left it on the breakfast table. So I ran in despite the shouts and scream of our household helpers, took my cap, and was on my way out again when the smoke got to me and I lost consciousness. I guess I must have hit my head somewhere too since I got a big ass bump.

The injury wasn't bad. In fact, the kind doctor (please note a lot of sarcasm here) had told me to leave the hospital the moment I woke. But it's rare I get to have a valid excuse not to be in school, so I've been milking my injury since then. I love it here. Man, the nurses are hot.

Speaking of hot, I can't believe Alex is here too. I don't really like the girl – the all so perfect Alex Montenegro. But even I can't help but think she looks hot in the hospital gown she was wearing.

She looked so sweet too. I guess she forgot her bitchiness along with her memories.

We've been classmates since preschool but never had we talked like that. She always has nasty remarks and she's always been such a snob. She thinks so highly of herself and she's always thought it's beneath her to talk to someone like me. Huh! As if I want to speak to her.

After about twenty minutes in the storage room, I started to feel hungry. Time to hit the fast-food. I ran down the fire exit stairs and out into the world. I'm free. McDonald's is just down the road.

I just got my order and was looking for a table to eat my precious burgers when I spotted Eunice. She's one of Alex's crew but she's less of a snob than her other two friends. I sat down in front of her.

"Heya, girl. What's up!" I said casually, automatically opening my burger and prepping it for my stomach.

Nice. Really nice.

"Kairo? What are you doing here?" she asked, surprised.

"Eating my burger," I said and started to do so.

"You're supposed to be in the hospital!" she screamed. I forgot how loud this girl can be.

"I know right?" I shrugged. I don't know what story is circulating in the school, but I'm pretty sure it's far from the truth.

"You're really messed up. Are you okay now? I heard there was a fire in your house and you almost died." she whispered. I don't know why she's whispering, but I went along with it. This is fun.

"Yep. It was a big fire. I almost didn't make it." I said, grinning. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"How long have you been in the hospital now?" she asked, squinting her eyes with suspicion.

"Three weeks in half. Going to a month soon." I said, not being able to hide another grin.

"You're really milking this one huh," she said, rolling her eyes. So she's not as stupid as I thought she is.

"Yep," I said happily as I munch down the rest of my fries. I probably should have ordered more.

"Wait, you're staying in Camilla's Private Hospital, right?" she asked suddenly.

"Ah-huh" I just said, still eating and contemplating whether to order more or just go somewhere else for dinner later. I need to change my clothes. As hot as I look wearing a hospital gown, it's almost winter now. I hate being cold.

"Alex is there too. Actually, I'm here to wait for Ian and the girls. We're going to see her" she announced. I don't know why she has to use her loud voice all the time, but I guess it's just her personality. She's always so happy and preppy.

"Yeah, I saw her," I answered. I don't really talk to many of My classmates, but Eunice is nice. I don't mind her.

"How is she?" she asked, more curious than worried. I guess everyone knows about her amnesia.

"Better. I think I like her better with amnesia" I answered truthfully, remembering how hot Alex looked earlier and how sweetly she smiled at me. I guess the girl is really pretty. I just didn't care to look because she's usually her bitchy self and I try to get out of her way as much as I could.

"Stupid. Don't even joke about it." Eunice told me off, looking a little less perky than she was a moment ago. I guess she was worried too.

"What? She's a lot nicer without her memories." I reasoned because she is. I have never seen Alex smile or apologize or look concerned about anyone other than herself. It's actually surprising the girl has friends at all. She doesn't seem like someone who can have any.

"That's because she can't remember your craziness." She huffed, and I can't argue with that.

"Exactly. So, I like her better with amnesia." I said, for the last time.

"Whatever. They're here. I'll see you around." She said as she stood up and turned to leave the table.

"Sure, sure," I said nonchalantly, already back to my internal debate on where to get my dinner.

"And Kairo?" she said turning back.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You've got a lot of ketchup in your face."

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