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He's definitely up to something.

I can hear how nervous he was on the phone. He's lying about something or keeping something from me at least. I don't know what it was, nor can I care enough to call him out on it.

Ian is my best friend and I was annoyed he couldn't join us for this trip, but this trip is very important to me, more important than him, or anything really.

I wanted him to be here. I even told him so. But he's got a competition and I couldn't fault the man for doing something he loves. It would be nice to have him here as I accomplish my mission, but it would also be fun surprising him afterward. He would definitely regret not coming.

"Hey, Sunny found this vlog about a really nice cake shop in the town center. We'd like to check it out but we know you hate sweets so..." Jasmine started and didn't finish her sentences again. I don't know why they have to ask for my permission to leave. It's not like I'm their warden.

"Go," I said, feeling a little relieved that they're leaving me alone. I would have gotten my own room, but Ms. Rossi was adamant I have to share it with three other girls. I really hate sharing a room with anyone, even my mom. I don't feel comfortable sleeping in a place where someone can watch me sleep. I mean, not that I think the girls would, but they could if they want to, and that's creepy as hell.

At least I kind of like the girls I'm with. I wouldn't be sleeping tonight for sure, but that's okay. Sunny probably won't either. I heard she stays up studying most nights.

"Thanks! We'd bring you some, but you don't like sweets... so we'll just get you some snacks and then we can have a movie marathon tonight." Eunice piped in. I don't know why they're thanking me or why they think I'd like the idea of having a movie marathon late at night. I love my sleep. Thank you very much.

But I can't be bothered to say any of that, so I just nodded and continued unpacking. After a while, they said goodbye and I lay in the bed trying to focus on my book. It isn't working. My mind keeps going back to the article I saw that made me come all the way here.

I am nervous. That's rare. I don't care enough to be nervous about many things, but today, I am nervous. I can feel it in the way my heart is beating a little faster than normal and the way I've been staring at the same page of the book for almost five minutes now.

I don't feel nervous often, but I decided I hate it. It's such a useless emotion. If anything, I should be eagerly planning what I'd be doing this time tomorrow.

So, I got up and took out my journal and pen from my bag. I need to make an itinerary. I have to make sure to be back before anyone finds me missing, but I also need enough time to persuade her to come with me.

She'll probably think I'm crazy. Even I think I'm crazy. But she has to come with me. I won't give her any choice.

It's selfish, I know. She probably has a life here in Cornwall, family, or friends to leave behind. She would be upset and sad and I'd be completely aware of it, but then I'm not known for being considerate of other people's feelings. I'd force her if I have to – but one way or another, she's coming home with me.

I am done being alone.

I was writing in my journal when I heard a knock on my door. I thought it'd be Eunice forgetting her keys, so I stood up and opened it.

It wasn't Eunice.

"Ava. What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Why are you rooming with the nerds, when you can be rooming with me, your cousin?" she asked rather nastily.

I smirked. I guess I hurt her little feelings when I opted to join Eunice's crew.

"Oh, sorry. Did I hurt your feelings?"

"Of course not. It's not like I want to be rooming with you too. But you've got the best room and you could've shared it with me, why them?" she asked perplexed as if she doesn't know the answer yet and for the life of her remaining brain cells couldn't figure out why I chose them over her.

"Oh, dear. I thought I made it clear. I chose to room with them because as much as I hate sharing rooms with other people, I don't hate it as much as the thought of sharing it with you." I said casually.

Ava frowned at me, started to say something, couldn't, then turned back and stomped down the hall.

I shook my head as I watch her turn to the other side of the hotel. The girl has some anger issues.

She didn't use to be like that. In fact, I was quite fond of her when we were young. She's pretty and blond and I really liked her dark blue eyes. We used to play together, the three of us - Ian, Ava, and me.

They were one of the few people I didn't mind hanging around. It was even safe to say, she was a friend.

My parents were fond of her too. She used to come over every time she's having a tough time at their home. Her family's kind of messy as her dad's a phony and her mom's kind of a bitch. Uncle Tommy is the biggest perv I know. There was even a time when he was dating a 16-year old girl. I mean paedo much? And Aunt Lily feels so privilege. Just because she's my dad's sister she thinks everything he owns is hers too.

My parents worked their asses building their business from the ground up from what little inheritance my dad got from my late grandad and the savings he and mom had. My Aunt Lily spent hers like there's no tomorrow, and when it's all spent,  expected my dad to support her.

Ava was cool until she decided to hate me for some reason, I didn't bother asking what, and I returned the favor just as much. I shook my head. I can't be bothered thinking about Ava when I'm planning the biggest day of my life.

I returned to my journal and read the article I glued there for the nth time. This is it. It's finally happening. 

I'm finally getting a family. 

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