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I'm finally in Cornwall. I've been prepping myself for this since I decided I'm skipping the competition to join the school trip. Of course, coach wasn't happy about it. I'm his best swimmer after all. But after some persuasion, and maybe a little bit of guilt-tripping, he finally allowed me to skip the inter-high.

I felt a little guilty leaving my team, but I won the last regionals and officially got myself into the National Team. I deserve this. I've waited for this. For ten years in fact.

Besides, it'll do Nathan some good to actually be in the water during the competition. The man is just usually there as a number-filler. Not that he minds. That Nathan Lee is definitely in the team for the credits, and he's not shy admitting it either. He got in because he's got the skill, but he thinks it too bothersome to actually swim. How can he expect to be in a swimming team, without swimming?

Damn, I can't be thinking about Nathan right now. I have better things to worry about – like the BIG PLAN, for instance.

I guess this is it – the moment I'm brave enough to lose something I treasure so I can get something I love. It wasn't an easy decision. That's why it took me 10 years to get here. It's scary as hell, but staying the same, not moving forward, never changing is even scarier. I cannot afford to lose her and I won't. I just have to do this right.

I got out of the train I rode to get here. I intentionally missed the fancy school coach they used to get here and opted for the long train ride instead because I wanted this to be a surprise.

My classmates are all probably in their respective rooms now despite the fact that I left London four hours ahead of them. I stretched my back and I can feel the tension easing away a little. I really hate train rides. I shook my head and went out to call a taxi. I could probably use public buses to get to the hotel, but I don't want risking getting lost and missing my well-planned schedule for the day. So with a heavy sigh, I got into a taxi knowing full well I'll be spending a fortune for the probably-few-mile ride to the hotel.

As soon as the taxi driver drove off, I took out my phone and called her.

"Yes?" her curt answer. I rolled my eyes. She's as rude as always.

"How's Cornwall?" I asked, smiling to myself, imagining the look on her face when she realized I'm here too.

She hated that I wasn't going, so she'll probably be a little upset that I lied about it. Okay, maybe she'll be more than a little upset. She'll probably hit me. Like always. But then she'll be happy that I'm here.

"Not bad." She answered briefly. I can hear her rummaging through something. She's probably unpacking just now. She's nothing if organized.

"So, what's your plan for the rest of the day? I heard the teachers gave you free time to explore." I asked pretending to be clueless and hoping to all gods she won't hear the lie through the phone.

Alex is the most perceptive girl I know. She can tell I'm lying just by the tone of my voice, so I made extra effort to sound curious and nonchalant at the same time.

"I'll have lunch, then I want to see a place." She said, all vague and mysterious... typical Alex style.

She was the one who suggested Cornwall to the class and since she rarely involves herself in class matters, everyone went along with her idea despite the fact that it's about eight-hour-long bus ride from London. I asked her many times why she wanted to come here and all she said was that she likes to see the ocean. There are better beaches closer to London though, so I still don't get it. But then again, I never did get her. She's stubborn and impulsive. She does what she wants when she wants them. She's impossible to understand. But then again, that's part of her charm.

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