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I woke up with a start. 

I was thirsty. I was hungry. And I can't feel my body. 

Where am I?

"You're awake. Oh god, Alex. Thank god, you're awake." A voice beside me cried.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw her face. She's openly crying with tears flowing from her eyes. She seems happy yet worried at the same time. I can see the bags under her eyes as if she hasn't slept in days and spent the whole time crying. I tried to speak, and nothing came out. I need water. Badly.

"It's okay. You're fine. I'll get the doctor and I'll get you some water too, okay?" she said in a rush as she ran to the door backward, looking at me as if I might disappear if she blinks.

When she's finally out of sight, confusion starts to dawn on me.

I look around. I'm obviously in a hospital.

Private -luxurious even with the big fancy sofa in the corner and a massive flat-screen TV on the wall. There's also a small fridge with fruits and flowers on top. I don't know why but I felt like I'm not used to this kind of place. But then again, this is a hospital. Unless, I'm terribly ill, which I'm hoping I'm not, I shouldn't really be used to this place.

Okay. That's done. I know where I am... but why? What happened to me? 

Am I sick? Did I get into an accident? 

I racked my brain for answers. None. Blank.

Okay, so I don't know why I'm here. That's fine. I'll figure it out later. I'll just ask the woman... wait? Who's that woman again? Do I know her? I think she could be my mom, considering how worried she is about me...

And then a scarier question came to mind... oh my god! Who am I?

Oh, no, oh no, I can't even remember who I am!

I started to panic. I can't remember anything. I don't know my name. I don't know who I am and how I got here. I don't know anything.

I keep racking my brain, but it's coming up empty. The more I try, the worst the headache becomes. Oh god, what is happening to me?

I sat up and started to get off the bed when the woman came back with a doctor and a nurse. They saw my face and started to worry.

"Alex, darling, are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked as she hurriedly came to my side.

Alex. Is that my name? I can't remember, but it does sound right. My name is Alex. But who am I?

"I can't remember anything," I said, looking at the doctor, panic obvious in my deep fast breathes.

"Calm down. It's okay." He said without any trace of worry. Ah, how is it okay? I don't know my name. That's not okay, I thought.

The woman beside me seemed to agree.

"What's wrong with her? I thought you said, she's fine. Why can't she remember anything?" she asked, her voice rising in panic for every question unanswered. The doctor sighed and looked at the files he's holding.

"She suffered a blow on the head, so it's normal for her to be disoriented... and not remember anything. It's temporary and slowly, as she heals, she will start to remember things."

"Are you sure she's fine?" asked the woman again, obviously doubtful.

The doctor shook his head, trying to be understanding. I bet he's experienced worse before. The woman, while doubtful, was still being polite and respectful.

"Physically, she is fine. We run tests and she had MRI so we're sure there's nothing wrong with her. She just needs to rest and recover. I promise you; we'll keep a close eye on her." He said with a smile.

The woman and the doctor spoke some more as the nurse adjusted the drip in my arm. I'm starting to get drowsy again. But I can't sleep. I need to know who I am and why I'm here.

I tried to fight the haze overcoming me, and just before I fell asleep... I heard the woman say

"It's okay Alex. I'm here. You're safe, darling. You're going to be fine."

MY NAME IS ALEXWhere stories live. Discover now