The Big Bang Theory

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I won't be updating this book until Monday, sorry. Let's get this tape rolling.

Izuku POV

The bar was empty, but there was a giant hole in the wall, that led to an alley way, and then the other hole led to a bunch of destroyed buildings. Ow sweet sugar crackers. I hope the league is okay.

I ran out to the destroyed, buildings. I looked around, and there was a grey wall. But that wasn't what I was looking at. There were four people one boy with red hair and horns, a tall boy with blue hair, a boy with a scar over his eye, and a girl with black hair wearing a pink dress.

I ran to them, they looked like they were looking at something through a crack in the wall. "Hello." I yelled, they all turn to me with shocked faces. "Who are you?" The boy with blue hair said waving his arms robotically. 

"I'm Izuku Midoriya." They all looked skeptical. "Are you a villain?" The boy with the scar asked. "Of course not. But what's going on?" They all still looked skeptical. "We are here to rescue Bakugo." The one with the red hair said. "Kacchan?" I asked, I knew Kacchan before my mom died. 

The league rescued me at the murder scene, and I haven't seen him since. "You know Bakubro?" The red hair one said loudly. "Yeah, we are childhood friends." He looked surprised. "Do you want to help us rescue him then?"

"If Kacchan needs help, then of course I'll help you." The red hair smiled. "Kirishima, no." The one with the scar said. "Todoroki, why he seems perfectly innocent." Todoroki shook his head, "this isn't the first time the league recruited teenagers." Everyone seemed skeptical again. 

"He could be pretending to be a nice guy, but is secretly plotting to ruin the rescue." Everyone looked down. Kirishima came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure your a nice guy, but right now we can't take any risks. Sorry bro." He said.

The girl with the black hair came up to me. "I'm sorry but since, you aren't helping we are going to kindly ask you to walk away." She said. "Oh." I looked down. I turned and walked towards the battle, hopefully I would be able to find someone there to help me.

I could feel tears sliding down my face. I don't understand this was supposed to be an easy mission, but now everyone's missing. And no one is around to tell me what is going on. My family gone, and my childhood friend is in trouble. 

But I can't even help him. I continued to walk towards the battle. As I got closer I saw All Might fighting a man with a black mask. I couldn't see any other heroes around, so I hid behind a pile of rubble.

I looked back to the area where I met the other kids, and an ice slide broke through the wall and the group of kids were flying through the air. I couldn't see them from by high up they were. But eventually I saw someone to far away, blast up and grab onto the group.

I realized he used his explosion to get that high. Kacchan is safe. That's good, he probably doesn't even remember me. The pile of rubble started to lift off and take me with it. I craned my neck, and viewed the man with the black mask.

He was the one lifting the pile with his quirk, and he threw it at All Might, but All Might punched, it away. I was sent flying, and I hit the ground with a hard thud. Everything hurt, I was tired, really really tired. Is that what it's like to die. No, I'm or dying, I can't die. Not without knowing if the league is safe.

But I am very tired. Maybe if I just close my eyes for a second. That was my last thought before I let sleep consume me. 

Author Chan

Sorry for the short chapter, the next chapter will be longer. Anyways it's time for me to roll out.

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