Mission Impossible

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Wow, I took a very long unplanned break. But I am back now, I do apologize for taking such a long unannounced break. I have nothing to blame but my own laziness. Anyways let's get this tape rolling!

Hitoshi POV

It's been three days. Three days since the fight with Monoma, three days since I'd last seen Izuku. I was in math class now, but I wasn't focusing. I was chewing on the end of a long gone pen, in my distress. 

The school wasn't revealing anything. I had no idea what was going on. Izuku could be hurt, or worse. What if he actually committed? Ink sprayed in my face as I had broken the third pen of that day. I wiped the ink off my uniform. Both Katsuki and I have been asking every teacher, but they refused again and again.

I felt to frustrated, one of the most important people in my life is now gone without a trace. I was helpless, I hid my head in my arms. Trying to hide the tears of frustration rolling down my face. 
"Shinso, and Bakugo please stay after class."

My head snapped up, as I wiped the tears from my face. Everyone in the class started packing up there things, and slowly trickling out of the classroom. Bakugo and I made eye contact from across the room. After everyone else was gone I hesitantly stood up, and walked towards the front desk.

Aizawa lookup up at us both, with a blank stare. "We have found information on Izuku." Before Bakugo or I could say anything, he held a finger up silencing up. "The police force has been looking over the surveillance cameras placed around the city."

Both Bakugo and I looked at each other with worry. "He ran about ten miles to a convenience store. As his back was turned he was shot with a paralyzing dart, and fell unconscious. The man who did this was wearing a reddish brown plague mask, he has black hair, yellow eyes, he was wearing a green jacket with purple feathers.

Aizawa turned his computer showing a man maybe in his early thirties, who matched that description perfectly. " I want both of you to assist on this rescue mission." I looked at him in absolute, surprise. "There is to be believed another child there, she is a four year old girl who goes by the name of Eri." 

Both Bakugo and I shared a glance. "You will be teaming up with the Big Three, if you decided to except this offer. "Yes!" We both yelled at the same time. "Okay please meet in front of this address," he said handing both of us a small slip of paper. "At 5:00 p.m tomorrow night. We both shook our heads. He motioned for us to leave the classroom, so like robots we left. Our minds in another place.


This chapter a little shorter than my usual chapters, but I hope you liked it. Again sorry for taking so long to update. It's time for me to roll out.

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