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I have come bearing the gift of the second to last chapter. I've been thinking of what I'm going to do after this. I will probably make an announcement once, I've finish this book. If anyone's interested.

Shinso POV

I was standing in the sea of police men, pro heros, and volunteers. I could feel my mind losing focus, in a daze of sorts. I kept fumbling with my fingers, imagining the worse. He could've hurt Zuku, or worse.

 I got a harsh smack on the back of my head, I turned around to see Bakugo glaring at me. "Don't start thinking like that." I nodded in understanding, and he stalked off. The courtyard was loud, and all the pros seemed so calm.

They probably did this all the time, though it was hard to imagine getting used to saving lives. "Shinso." Aizawa, called out to me. I stiffened up, and turned around to face my teacher. "Yes, EraserHead." I said, remembering to not call him by his last name.

"You'll be in the main group, that will go deep into the facility in hopes of rescuing Izuku." He said, pointing in the direction of a blond student I recognized from UA, and a man in a grey suit with dark green hair.

"Good Morning, Akuto."

(Akuto is the Japanese translation for villain.)

"Good morning." I said giving a shy wave. For some reason my chest swelled with pride, as he stated my hero name. After being called a villain for so many years, I decided to just roll with it and reclaim it for myself, and for everyone out there with 'villainous' quirks.

"Greetings." The man in the grey suit said, dryly. "Oh this is Sir Nighteye, he's a real cool hero." I smiled as the blonde boy fanboyed over Sir Nighteye. Lemillion seemed really excited, and you could practically feel the happiness radiating off of him.

But when I looked up to Sir Nighteye, he held a cold piercing gaze, that would send chills down anyone's spine. The pro hero seemed very uninterested in what was going on around him, but you could also tell that he was paying close attention to any possible threats. 

"Okay, get in positions!" A policeman shouted, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. The three of us moved closer to the big gate, blocking us from seeing what was ahead. The plan was for us to smash through the gate, and run into the building taking them for surprise. 

I looked up to see piecing gold eyes, glaring directly at me through a window, on the top floor of the building. I felt my throat tighten, and my hands begin to shake. The pair of beady eyes continued to stare at me, until they once again disappeared into darkness.

 I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Uneasiness filled me, as I remembered the picture EraserHead had shown us. Did they already know what they we were planning. It would be idiotic, to believe that the Yakuza wouldn't realize hundreds of police men, and a handful of heroes right outside their door.

But it would be a problem, if they had already known what we were planning before this. I turned around to see if anyone else had seen the eyes glaring at us. But mostly everyone looked normal.

Either talking amongst each other, or reviewing the list of villains they were predicted to fight. I started to question if I had really seen, what I thought I saw. Until I saw Nighteye give me and knowing look, and a slight nod. 

I let out a small sigh of relief, knowing that I wasn't just hallucinating. I was too nervous to eat anything all day, but I was thankful for that. Because now my stomach was filled with nervous butterflies.

A sharp gun shot, rang through the air. That was the signal to start our mission. I watched as tall blonde women, slowly turned into a metallic dragon, smashing the sturdy iron gate with ease.  I ran directly through the chaos, along with a handful of others. 

"Go to hell!" I heard, bakugo shout behind me, as I heard round of explosions, most likely aimed at low-level villains that had rushed out to attack the police. 

"We're coming for you Izuku."


So this is the second to last chapter. I hoped that you've liked this so far. Also you can't convince my Mirio isn't a Sir Nighteye fanboy. Anyways it's time for me to roll out.

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