The Case

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So this going to be like half the size of my usual chapters. Just because. Let's get this tape rolling.

Izuku POV

When I woke up, my head felt like it was heavy and filled with fog. I seemed to be in a dark room. I had a chain around my ankle. I shifted my head as I saw a flicker of movement. "H-hello?" My voice was hoarse, and quivered.

I couldn't tell what it was doing, but it was hunched over. My legs and arms felt like they weighed hundreds of pounds. I slowly lifted my hands up to touch the back of my neck, where I found a trial of blood.

I couldn't feel the bullet I had been shot with, but the blood felt dried. Exactly how long had I been here? My thoughts lazily dragged on, as I kept an eye on the quivering creature in the corner.

There was a metal door on the other side of the room. But I already knew that the chain would not allow me to go that far. It was probably locked too. The creature didn't seemed to be chained up.

Did the heroes know where I was? How long had I been missing? I did run off campus. I wonder if they thought I had run away, and had not been kidnapped. That could be a problem.

I groaned, as I tried to shift my whole body against the wall. Nothing hurt other than my head, but my limbs felt like lead. I glanced down at my hands, they didn't look broken. Maybe it was an effect of whatever I had been shot with.

Suddenly the thing stood up, and I was able to get a better view of it. That it was a little girl. Looking no older than five. She had long straight light blue and silver hair. She was wearing a tattered nightgown, and bandages hung loosely around her arms and legs. 

Her skin was pale, and she had deep black bags under her eyes. But one of her most distinctive features were here blood red eyes. "H-hello." I said, gesturing for her to come closer. She took, a step forward before looking up at me cautiously.

"You, don't have to fear me. I'm training to be a hero." She seemed surprised. "H-hero?" She asked, her voice sounded weak. But I could still hear her. I nodded. She ran up to me. "P-please help me." 

Tears started streaming down her face, as she looked up at me in desperation. "I promise." She clung to my shirt, and continued to cry. Sobs wracked her small frame, as I stroked my hands through her hair in a comforting way.

Eventually she nodded off to sleep. But I was wide awake. What had they done with this girl? What did they want with him? Where the heroes coming for him? Did they think he purposefully ran away? He tried not to let panic set in, but at this point it was impossible. But the thing he was worried about the most.

Was if he could keep the promise he just made?

Author Chan

I know this chapter was really short, I just wanted a short angst chapter like this. And it is my gift to you. Happy, whatever day your reading this. Time for me to roll out.

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