The Final Countdown

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Wow, final chapter. That's so weird. But anyways I would like to thank every who read and supported this book. Yesterday I realized this book was number one in the ShinsoxDeku tag. So that was crazy. What I plan to do after this book will be at the end of this chapter, if anyone's interested. So for the last time let's get this tape rolling!

Deku POV

I finally was able to get Eri to sleep. But memories of her screaming and crying still racked my brain. I couldn't see anything, and it made me even more anxious. I was plunged in darkness, and complete silence. I had no idea when the man with golden eyes, would appear again, but I was scared.

I was chained up, so I couldn't fight him or even use my quirk on him. I was completely helpless. And I hated it, I hated just being in useless. I wanted to see Shiggy, Dabi, Toga, and Mamagiri. I wanted to hug Hitoshi.

That's when it started. I heard an explosion go off in the wall next to me. Eri shot up, she started glancing around panicking. I hugged her close, as debris and dust fell all around us. The opposite wall crumbled, and light filled the room. I squinted as my eyes got adjusted to the bright light. 

There were four figures standing their. One was wearing a grey suit, he had dark green hair and his eyes were hidden behind glasses. Another was a blonde boy with blue eyes, his hair was styled in a sweep, and he was wearing an orange jumpsuit.

But that wasn't what I was focused on, I was focused on the two others standing there. "Kacchan, Hitoshi." I shouted. Both of their heads whipped towards me. The group ran forward, and the blonde orange jumpsuit guy, tried to grab Eri. To which I smack his hand away.

"It's okay Zuku, he's good." Hitoshi said, reassuringly. I hesitantly handed the crying girl over. I felt a tug on the chains, as Kacchan let explosions pop, and the chains melted. I leapt forward and hugged Hitoshi. 

I felt tears, threatening to fall from my face.  "Shh it's okay to cry." I felt Hitoshi stroking my hair. I sniffled, as hot tears rolled down my face. I felt Shinso carry me outside, and before I knew it we were both getting checkups from a nurse. I hiccuped, as I tried not open the floodgates of tears again. 

Once the nurse was finished checking over my injuries I moved closer to Hitoshi, and put my head on his shoulder. The nurse reassured me Eri was in the hospital, and was doing well. I felt myself grow tired. 

"You can sleep when we get home, Zuku." Hitoshi said, lighly flicking my forehead. "No." I said grumpily, just wanting to sleep. I wrapped my arms around him, closing my eyes. "Fine." Hitoshi said, resting his head atop of mine. 

"Oi, nerds where leaving!" Kacchan screamed at us. He roughly grabbed both of ours arms, practically tossing us into the vehicle.  Aizawa was in the driver seat, and kacchan moved next to us.

Once we got back to UA, Hitoshi and I went right to his dorm room. I flopped on his bed, ready to pass out. I wasn't ready to worry about everything yet, I just wanted to sleep. I felt Shinso move next me, also wanting to sleep, even though it was only three in the afternoon. 

"Hey Hitoshi?" I asked, wondering if he was awake. He groaned, moving his head towards me. "Yes, Zuku?" He asked, in a tired voice. "What are we?" He shifted to face me, more directly. " I thought we were dating."

I shot up, in surprise. "We are?" I asked. He put his arm around me, tugging me back down. "We practically spend every minute of the day together and I call you kitten. It was pretty obvious." I put my face on his chest. "Okay, I'm glad."

He chuckled. "You know, what ever happened in the future we'll get through it." He said patting my head, softly. 

"Yeah, whatever happens, we'll get through it."

Time Skip & Hitoshi POV

I was walking through the hall, on my way back from lunch. When I bumped shoulders with Bakugo. He suddenly grabbed my shoulders, and looked me in the eyes very seriously. 

"Deku is like a brother to me, so if you hurt him in anyway. I will come for you." He said, menacingly.  "Yes sir." I said, giving him a mock salute. "Come on Bakubro, give him a break." Kirishima said, resting his head on Bakugo's shoulder.

Bakugo huffed and turned away. "He's really a huge softie." Kirishima whisper quietly following Bakugo down the hallway. "Hitoshi!" Zuku yelled, wrapping his hands around my stomach. 

"Hey are ready to visit the league after school today?" I asked. "Yeah." He stated quietly.  Today was going to be the first day he would visit the league since the kidnapping. He asked me to go along with him, so of course I agreed.

"Yeah, whatever happened I'll be fine." Zuku stated.

Author Chan

I'm sorry if this is bad, I'm really tired right now, but wanted to get this chapter out. So I will be writing a new book. But, because currently I'm busy applying to schools, this book won't be published until after Christmas break. I'll publish the first ten chapters, then weekly updates after that. So stick around for that. Anyways time for me to roll out.

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