That Just Happened

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I'm back, again. Yesterday I was writing a one shot, sorry. And in this chapter, mentions of suicide. But I think if you'd read this far, you don't care. But Imma put that warning just so people can't say I didn't warn them. Let's get this tape rolling!

Izuku POV

I have been in Hitoshi's room all weekend, any time we needed food he would go get it. I used his bathroom, and we just watched old movies and reruns all weekend. But today was the day, where I had to pull myself together. 

It was Monday, everyone's least favorite day. I mentally prepared myself, as I buttoned up the blazer to my UA uniform. I put on a smile, and walked out of my dorm.

Time Skip Brought to you by Aizawa's sleeping Bag

We were all in our hero costumes. Mine had been delivered to the school over the weekend. It consisted of a dark green hoodie, with no sleeves. A pair of black fingerless gloves, and a gas mask that covered half my face. I was also wearing baggy pants, and red high tops. In my hand I was holding a baseball bat, and I also had a loaded gun hidden in my hoodie.

I was standing next to Hitoshi as Aizawa explained that we were going to have battles, it was one person against another. And he also stated that class 1-B would be joining us. This made everyone groan in annoyance. I don't understand what's wrong with class 1-B? A cocky blonde walked up and started gloating and teasing all of us. 

Oh, that's what's wrong with Class 1-B.

I saw as a few people went up, Mina won her battle since the other boy couldn't get close to her. Kamanari looked like he was going to win against a girl with gree hair, but he short circuited. Tokoyami went against Kendo. Tokoyami threw Kendo out of the circle with Dark Shadow before the oranged haired teen even had time to react.

Eventually I was called to fight against Monoma. It didn't seem like anyone liked him, and I can't blame them. He was mean, over confident, and cocky. Aizawa yelled start, and I turned on my quirk immediately.

His quirk could only work, if he could touch me. It would copy my quirk and allow him to use it. I honestly kind of wanted him to use it. Just so he could understand the mental backlash and headache of using it.

Monoma charged towards me, I might as well show off right? I skidded between his legs, and stood up with his back facing me. He looked a bit confused. Not the brightest of the bunch is he? All bark no bite? Oh well. 

I ditched the bat, I wouldn't need it and it was just slowing me down. I heard as the bat clanked away in the direction I had thrown it. I turn my attention back Monoma, and he was trembling with rage. I could've sworn I saw smoke coming out of his ears. 

I knew that Monoma always  had good footing, but was stiff and therefore easy to knock over. I ran forward to him, and grabbed his shoulders, and used them to flip over him. I landed behind him, and turned around. 

I had knocked him to his knees with the force of my body, but he had regained his balance pretty quickly. I jumped, preparing to kick his face. But he grabbed my foot, and shoved me away. I rolled across the ground, but landed in a crotch position.

He grinned at me and unknowingly activated my quirk. He immediately grabbed his head, and I just knew the information about every person was freaking him out. He shut his eyes trying to turn it off, it took me years to be able to turn off my quirk on command. No wonder he was struggling with it. 

Eventually he knocked himself on the head, and that seemed to do the trick. He sneered at me. "No wonder you threw yourself off the school roof." I froze, as I realized that just happened. Everyone stared at me in horror as soon as the words had left his mouth. No one was supposed to know that, other than a Hitosh and Iida. No one

"Is this true, Midoriya?" Aizawa asked, concern laced in his words. I hated how everyone looked at me. With either pity, or horror. And I did the most stupidest thing I have ever done in my life.

I ran.

I ran all the way out of the UA gates, and down the street. No one was chasing me, but I just kept booking past street corners. I didn't know where I was going, but I was going as fast as my legs would carry me. 

The sun was setting. I had been running for hours. I sat down against the wall of a convenient store, trying to catch my breath. All the events today kept rushing though my mind. I hated it. I kept panting, I didn't know if it was from the running, or if I was having a panic attack.

I felt my heart rate shoot up. Yep, definitely a panic attack. I held my head, as I silently cried. Just sitting on the sidewalk, as the sun set painting the sky a dark orange. I stood up, after I got my breathing under control. 

I looked around for street signs, or any indication of where I was. I heard a clatter of a trash can. I looked down a dark alley, I couldn't see anything. So I just looked around for civilians, to ask for directions. 

After deciding to just ask the worker in the conveniently store, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I started to feel light headed. I stumbled a few inches, before fully collapsing. The last thing I saw was man standing over me.

The man was wearing a plague mask.

Shinso POV

After Izuku ran away, Aizawa dismissed class. I ran after Monoma, who was headed in the opposite direction. "Oi." I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Bakugo jogging towards me. "Did Deku, really? Ya know?" He asked trying to figure out how to phrase it.

"Yes, he did but Iida caught him." I turned back around trying to find Monoma. I ran up to him, leaving Bakugo to process what I just said. I shoved Monoma in the back, and he turned around and looked at me with a cocky smile one his face. 

"What the hell?" I yelled shoving him. He shoved me back. And that's when the chaos started, I threw a punch landing it on his face. He groaned, and his hands reached up to his face. I took this as an opportunity to punch him in the gut. His knees buckled, and he leaned over in pain.

I shoved him onto his back. I kept punching him, as he hid his face in his arms. Suddenly arms wrapped around pulling me off the blonde haired bitch. I looked over my shoulder to find, that Kirishima was holding me back.

I thrashed around, trying to get free of his grip. "Dude, c'mon your not being very manly." I threw a punch over my shoulder, but missed his face. Vlad King helped Monoma to his feet. As I continued throwing a fit, lashing out at whoever's nearest. Suddenly Kirishima spoke.

"We are all mad at Monoma, but Midoriya will be back by tonight. Promise."

If only Kirishima knew how wrong he was.

Author Chan

I don't know why I always paint Monoma as the bad guy. I've seen so many other things where he's at least decent. But I just make him an asshole. I apologize to all the Monoma fans out there.   I will try to incorporate a nice Monoma in one of my future fics. Also this chapter was way longer than planned. But hey that's okay. It's time for me to roll out. 

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