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- - Blueprint - Stray Kids - -

I sat down at one of the lunch tables near the basketball fields outside.

I saw everyone leaving the school building, to go home or whatever they are doing, I don't really care.

But I stayed here.
I had to wait.

It was a pretty day, the sun was shining. I could feel the warmth of the sunrays on my skin.

It just felt so good, Like I could finally relax. I just enjoyed the sun shining I into my face and my arms.

It was warm, but not hot.

I really like spring.

But I also like the summer.
I just like the warmth.
Something some people might not think about me.
The fact that I like the warmth.

How ironic.

But it is what it is.

And I also like the summer because most of the time I don't have school.

And that's just the best part about the summer.

I'm not forced to see all these other students I hate.
I can choose who I want to meet.

Hyunjin just texted me that he and his squad had gym class and they needed to get changed.

So I waited.

I took out my phone.
I checked out Instagram.
And Tik Tok.
With Tik Tok, the time passes by so fast.

"(Y/n)!", I heard someone shouting.

I turned around.

Hyunjin and his friends were on their way towards me.

They all looked so done.
They sweated like shit.
They tried to hurry, but I could see how exhausted they were.
But they still looked very happy.

Oh my god.

Why does Hyunjin look so good when he's dripping in sweat?

It's definitely not legal to be that handsome.

I shouldn't get distracted by his looks. I needed to focus.

They arrived at the table.

"Ew, you guys smell like shit? Why didn't you shower?"

"Hyunjin told us to hurry. We didn't wanted to let you wait here", one of them explained.

"Was it hard?", I asked.

"Oh yes."

"Pff. You guys are just pussys."


"the boys gym class is always way harder than the girl's gym class."

"That's not true."

"And you guys can just stop if you say you're on you're period", one of his friends said.
I think it was Minho.

"Ya! If you just had your period once, you wouldn't say anything about that! You really can't imagine how painful that is!", I started to yell at him. It wasn't really serious yelling, just this playful thing.

Like we were already friends.

The others started laughing at how we fight.

"I already like her", another one said.

I saw Hyunjin smiling a little bit.
He was really proud about the fact that his friends liked me so much.

"Okay, so you guys need to intodruce yourself to (Y/n)", he said.

"I'm Chan", the first one said. He looked really nice. And also some kind of mature.

"Hey (Y/n)nie, I'm Jisung", the second one introduced himself. He smiled. He was cute. He reminded me of some kind of animal. But I don't know which one.

"Okay, I'm Minho", the next one said.

"Yeah, you look like a hoe", I said. The others laughed.

"Hey!" He looked offended, but he also needed to laugh.

"Hello! I'm Seungmin!", the next one waved at me with a bright smile.

Aw. He also reminds me of an animal, but I know wich one. He reminds me of a puppy.

"My name is Changbin", the next one introduced himself.

Why does he look so small?

I mean, we are sitting and I can't really tell if someone's tall or not, but he looks really small.
We might be the same height. I could even be a few centimeters taller than him.

Or he just has pretty long legs, but I don't really think so.

"Heyy, I'm Felix!"

Oh my god.

His voice.

It's so deep.

I never really noticed that.

I already heard him talk before, in class.

Why did I never noticed his voice?

It's so fucking hot.

But his face just don't fit his voice.
He looks so cute, with his freckles and warm this smile.

"I'm Jeongin", the last one said.


Why are they all so cute? But this one is especially cute. Someone needs to protect this baby.

"Okay, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you all, I guess?", I said.

They all smiled at me.

"So, (Y/n), Tell us, how did you do that?", Seungmin asked. 



That will be another chapter today

Bc it was too long

And I had to split it into two chapters

Idk why I started my chapters so long

My first chapter has 1600 words or something like that
And all the first chapters were over 1000 words

But now I keep them at 500-800 words (without the author note bc that always depends on my mood how long that is)

So I hope it's okay like That.

The story will still be the same length, there just might be a little more chapters

I still can't say how many chapters are left I'm really and at estimating

Soo that's a surprise

Okay see you very soon I promise

Bye for now my bubus

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