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- - Yikes - Nicki Minaj - -
And today wasn't even better.

I had another group work, in another group.
We had to analyze the different types of shellfishes at the beach.

I was in a group with again, three girls and two random guys.

And at one point, when I was alone with the girls with the feet in the water, we searched a little bit there, and the boys were more up the beach, the girls started dragging me.

I couldn't really react, it all was too fast.

I tried to defend myself, but they were three and I was alone.

And then, they pushed me. They pushed me into the water.

I Fell with my back first into the water.

The water wasn't that deep, so I hit my back against the ground, but I still struggled for a few seconds to get my head out of the water to breath.

When the boys from our group saw that, they immediately ran into the water to help me.
They help me to stand back up, the others girls where still laughing.

What the fuck is wrong with these bitches?

They laughed even more when they saw my clothes.

I wore a beige, wide shirt and white biker shorts.
And when white and beige gets wet, it gets transparent.

What means, everyone can see my underwear.

It wasn't very smart to wear black underwear today.


I hate my fucking life.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?", one of the boys asked.

His name is Jaemin, I think.

I'm not really sure, I don't have any class with him, but I think he said earlier that his name was Jaemin.

Both of the boys still hold my arms and they helped me to get out of the water.

"Yeah", I shortly answered.

I didn't really wanted to be pitied.

"Uhm, do you have something to change? I- I can look if I have something", the other boy, Jeno asked.

"No, I don't have anything to change."

Why would I?

Both of the boys looked in their bags.

But if course, they didn't had anything either.

"Ani? Why did you guys do this? Do you think this is funny?", Jaemin asked one of the girls.

They were still giggling.

"She deserves that", one of the girls, Ani, answered.

"Why? Cause she hangs auf with boys?", he got a little angry.
This seemed to really piss him off.

"She's a whore."

Bitch what the fuck?

"Seriously, how fucking childish are you guys?"

"Chill out, Jaemin, she's okay, it wasn't really that bad", Ani tried to calm him down.

He wanted to say something back, but I stopped him.

"Jaemin, thank you for you effort, but it's okay, let it be. It's none of your business", I said in a calm voice.

"But it pisses me really off. I mean look at you", he said.

"Thank you for that", I said sarcastically, but I know he didn't mean it like this. And it's true, I look like a mess.

"Just ignore them", I added.

"Yeah, Jaemin. Do what she sais. Run after her like a little dog."

And that made him even more mad.

But now, Jeno said something.

"Jaemin. Come. We go. Now. (Y/n) you come with us", he said.

And we did what he said.
The other girls followed us.

I mean, they had to. But they hold their distance and we didn't talked with each other.

And the way back to the hotel, I didn't dried, I was still wet when we arrived.
I mean, the way was basically 300 meters.

We arrived at the lobby, were all the others waited.

They were still a few groups that weren't there, but we needed to wait here until everyone was there, so that the teacher could give us some explanations.

But most of the students were already there.

And I noticed that all eyes were on me when I entered the room.

Oh great.

I looked down again.

Yeah, you really see everything trough this shirt and these shorts.

But did I felt embarrassed?


I was more annoyed for getting attention, I didn't really liked that.

I directly went towards Chaeyoung and Esther, who were already there.

And I could hear the students whispering.

They are probably talking about me and how I look like a whore.

"Oh my god (Y/n), what the fuck happened? Did you jumped into the water or what?", Chaeyoung asked.

"These bitches dragged me into the water", I said and pointed towards the three girls.

"They did that? Oh my god, they're unbelievable."

"But, I mean, your underwear is cute, so you look good", Esther said as she observed me.

"Thank you E. This is my favorite underwear", I reasoned laughing.

I love this girls.

She can make even this situation better.

"(Y/n)nie, I like you underwear, it's hot, you look fucking hot. Am I Right? Hannie?", she asked and tipped Jisungs arm, because he was the closest.

"She ain't wrong tho", he responded.
"Oh my god Ji, shut the fuck up", I said.
"But I don't think the teacher will like it."



Hello my dear friends

I hope u re doing great

The weather here makes me depressive

I really don't like it when it's like so dark and it rains when it is summer :(
And I will have to go to track practice this evening and it will rain ughhh

And I hate track practice


Pls kill me


Bye hihi

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