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- - Toxic - Britney Spears - -

"(Y/n), I have something to tell you."

"Wait you actually know my name?"
He literally never calls me by my name, that is weird.
It's always just 'babe' or 'babygirl'.

"I'm serious."

"Oh, okay."
He musst be really serious.

I was at the basketball place with Hyunjin. We sat in our usual place, in the grass.

He just played with his friends basketball. I sat in the grass and watched them.
I not really watched them, it was pretty boring. I did my homework, I went to the grocery store nearby to buy some drinks and I just played on my phone. I just enjoyed the good weather, like usual.

But the boys were all really good at basketball. They are all pretty athletic. And even when they are just playing for fun fooling around, they all were still very competitive.
I wish I was as athletic as them. It's not like I can't do anything, I'm better than most of the girl in my gym class, but that's not really hard.
I'm still not really talented.
I'm proud of myself when I can do these workout routines on YouTube maybe once a week, that's already enough for me.
I never could imagine doing that much sport than the boys.

Hyunjin's friends left already earlier, so it was just the two of us.

I gave him one of the two cokes that I bought earlier when he was playing and opened the other one for myself.

Both of us took a sip.

"What do you want to tell me?", I asked, since he wasn't saying anything, even after a few moments.

He looked a little bit unsure.

"You can't trust Hani", he said then.

"What? What are you talking about?"

I was confused.

Why would he say that?
She did nothing wrong, I think.
Or does he have something against her?

"She can't be trusted, I'm serious."
He looked really serious now, like really really serious. I never saw him that serious.

"What makes you say that?". I still couldn't believe that.

"She lied to you, about me."

"How do you know that?"

"It's not important, I just know it."

"No, I want to know that."
I gave him a death-gaze. He knew I meant it serious.

The boy sighed.

"Esther asked Hani how the two of us met and she told her this story. Esther asked if you would know this and she said yes. And then I asked Esther about that. That was the reason you hated me, because she lied."

That was creepy.
Did he stalked me?
Why did

"Yeah, but that was not that big of a deal. We made up. Hani lies because she really liked you, or still likes you and I warned her about that, that it was just for once and that it didn't meant anything, so she didn't tell the that. But that wouldn't be a reason to ruin our friendship, I really don't care that much about that."

I really didn't cared that much that she was lying about such small things. It really don't change much.

"But she isn't as 'good' as you think. I know you love her, but I swear, you shouldn't do that. It's wrong. really wrong."

"Bro, what the fuck? Do you know who you are talking about?"

That started to piss me off. Why the fuck was he talking bout her like that?

"You are talking about my best friend. How dare you talking about her like that? Do you want to ruin our friendship?"

"No, I don't want to 'ruin' you friendship-"

But that was exactly what he was doing.

"-because I know how hurted you would be, but I swear to god you should cut her off."

"Oh my god. You are overreacting. Are you jealous or something because I have other friends?"

"Jealous? Are you fucking serious? I'm trying to help you. Just stop talking to her. Please."
Why does he wanted that so bad? And for these dumb reasons? That doesn't really make sense.

"Why? Because of this small stupid lie? Or because she annoys you?"

"No, there's is something else, I-"

𝐍𝐎 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now