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- - River - Bishop Briggs - -

"Why did you lied to me? Why did you told me that you and Hyunjin talked and he asked you to go home. He told me that you came to him to have fun."

She didn't answer. She looked to the ground and more tears started running over her cheeks.

She just ignored my question.

"Hani, you never 'had' Hyunjin. That was your imagination, you were lost in your own world. You glorifyed everything. It never really happened like this but you kept saying yourself that it was like this, to make everything seem a little bit prettier. You lived in your bubble, Hani. But you need to get back to reality".

"No, stop!", she screamed frustrated.
"That's not true! How dare you saying something like that?"

And exactly that proves my point.
She don't want to see the reality.

"Face the truth, Hani. He never liked you. And stop talking about him like he's an thropy, that gets passed around."

"You don't even realize how much your words can hurt sometimes. You didn't know how many times you hurted me", she shouted. She was still crying like crazy.

"Hani, you were the only person I cared about!", I shouted back. My voice was shaking now too.

I loved her, I thought she was my best friend.
And then she dares to talk like this to me. It just hurts. They way she thinks about me.

"But you still managed to break me into pieces so many times without realizing it! You claimed, Hyunjin had no heart, but the only person without a heart were you! You warned me about him, but the only person I needed to be warned of was you!"

I stayed silent for a moment.

Am I really like this?

Am I that person?

Do I want to be that person?

Then, I looked her in the eyes.

"Why did you let me get raped?", I whispered. My voice was calm now, it was not shaking anymore.

She sighed.
"You didn't noticed, but I started hating you a long time ago."

So that answered my question from earlier.
She stopped seeing me as I friend long time ago. All the  pity I had earlier disappeared. She don't even deserve that I even thought about pitying her just one moment.

"But I still claimed to be you friend with you because I got pretty popular, even tho you didn't noticed. You weren't that type of popular that has a lot of friends, but everyone talked about you. You had your own personality, you were your own character. And they don't just talked about you, they also talked about me. I was special, because I could break your shell, I could come near the 'cool (Y/n)'. You know, people actually admire you, but you keep saying yourself that nobody liked you.

At this evening, at Minwoo's party, all this anger that towards you build up in me , I wanted you to suffer. I wanted you to get hurt. But it all changed when your white knight Hyunjin came."

She rolled her eyes.

"You think you're special, but in reality, you're just pathetic, (Y/n). You claim to be this strong person, but in reality you are just weak."

"Wow. Hani, I really loved you, and the whole time, you were only using me. You think I am cold? Do you realize how heartless that was? But anyways. You got what you wanted. Everyone hates me. Are you happy now?"

She didn't answer.
She just looked to the ground agai. 
I had no idea what was going on in her head right now.

"But you know what? I don't care who likes me and who doesn't. I have now people in my life that I can trust, these are the only one that matters. Every other opinion isn't important, that includes you. So, have a good life, Hani. I hope I don't have to see you anymore".

I Walked out. I slammed the door behind me and let her alone in the classroom.

But outside of the classroom, I realized something. I had to talk to Hyunjin now.

Part two of this drama as promised

I have a lot to say but I don't think I should

I know that most people always skip the author note hahah

But I need to talk about the song

it reminds me so much of meteor garden again

And I hope you all enjoy the music I always add

Bc I want to find a music that has the vibe of the chapter
And not everyone feels exactly the same while reading this
So I Hope the Music fits for u too


Adieu bitches

𝐍𝐎 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now