The start

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Elise always believed that there was things in the world that nobody knew about.

She believed that because she was something or someone that the world wouldn't believe exist, but she does and nobody knows, not her mom not her dad not her best friend no one and she didn't want anyone to know.
She felt that she was a freak because of the powers she had.

Things she touched turned to ice her eyes change color, to an icy blue and white.
It wasn't normal but she practice her powers getting control of them.

It wasn't normal but she practice her powers getting control of them

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At school
Elise POV

I was walking down the school hallway when Jessica ran up to me.
"Did you hear?." She asked me bouncing in place.
I looked at her confused, what was it I was supposed to hear or know?. I thought to myself before responding to her question.

"Did I hear what?." I tilt my head to the side while looking up at her.
"About the new students, the cullens." She said like I was supposed to know.
"No I didn't hear anything about new students." I said rolling my eyes and walking around her so I can get to class.

"They are so hot like omg." She said fanning herself and I huff before I stop walking to turn and look at her.
"That's nice and all Jess but I would like to get to class on time, maybe you should try it." I said then walking away from her I get to my class and sit down in my seat that's at the back of the class.
The bell rings and people start walking in and then the teacher telling them to be quiet and sit down.

As I was sitting there bored out of my mind the door open and in came this tall buff handsome guy with golden like eyes.
Everyone turn their attention to him as he walked in.

"Students this is Emmett Cullen, Emmett why don't you take a seat next to miss swan." The teacher said pointing at me and I watched as he looked at me and smirked before walking over and sitting down next to me.
I turn to take a peek at him when I noticed that he was already looking at me, i hurry and turn my head back to the front of the class.

"Hello." A smooth voice said from the side of me and I turned to look at Emmett.
"Hi." I said and a smile graced his handsome face.
"I'm Emmett Cullen, and you are?." He asked and I let out a little nervous laugh.
"I'm Elise swan." I said nodding my head a little.
"What's it like down here?." And I shook my head laughing a little.
"Nothing really just snow and rain everyday." He nodded and I turn back to the front of the class but every now and then I would take little looks at him.

The bell ring and I got up and started putting my stuff away and about to put my book bag on my shoulder when a pale hand grabbed it.
"Let me." He said and I smiled at him and nodded.
"Be my guest but you don't have to."
"I want to and plus I want to spend more time with you, if that's ok?." I nodded again and we both started walking out the classroom and start talking.

My heart would start racing every time we would brush against each other.

Time skip to lunch

I sat down at the table where my friends where all talking and playing.
"Hey guys." I said sitting down.
"Hey E." My best friend nicki said
"Wassup babe." Mike said putting his arm around me and I pushed it off me.
"Not your babe mike" as I said that everyone at the table laughed.

"So I got almost all the information I could get on the Cullens." Jessica said leaning in closer.
I rolled my eyes at her new found interest to the cullens.
"Ok let's hear it." Ang said and I huff at her with a small glare.
'Why would she say that!' I think.
"So they are adopted and most of them are together which is weird but anyway dr Cullen and his wife got them all cause mrs Cullen couldn't have kids or something." 'Wow so judging'

Before Jess could continue the lunch room door opened and they started walking in like super models.

"Ok so the shot weird girl is Alice and the blonde guy next to her that looks like he's in pain is jasper and their a couple, next is his twin sister Rosalie and that boy next to her is Justin."
Jessica said as the four went passed our table to an empty one that was by the window.
Then the door opens again and the last two Cullens come in.

"Oh!, that's Edward Cullen totally hot and the guy that looks like a body builder is emmett Cullen they are the only single ones and I'm totally going after one of them." Jessica said as she looked at them and fan herself.
'This girl needs help' I think with a smile on my face.

"You got all of that just from like four periods?." I ask and she nodded.
"Ok then." I said getting up and nicki grabbed my hand.
"Where you going E?." She questioned me "I'm going to get me a water." I said and she let go of me and nodded, I then walked off and was at the drink Machine and pulled out a bill to put in.

"Hey again." A voice said behind me and I jumped and turned around to see Emmett. I held my hand to my chest.
"God you scared me." I said and he laughed "Sorry shortcake." He said and I nodded before I noticed the name he called me.
"Shortcake?." I question and he nodded.
"Yea my new nickname for you."
"Ok then."
"Here." He said bending down and grabbing my water handing it to me, our hands brushed against each other and I gasped at how cold his hands where, I mean my body is always cold but I can always feel everybody's body heat.

"Your so cold." I said and he nodded and smiled "I'm anemic."
"Oh that makes since." I said embarrassed 'why didn't I think of that?'
"Well I got to get back to my siblings." He said and I nodded as he then turned around and walked back to his siblings.
'Wow' I think before going back to my own table.
"Did Emmett Cullen just y'all to you?." Jessica asked and everyone turned to look at me.
"Yea so what" I said and before they could answer the bell rung.
"Would you look at that, gotta go." I said before speed walking away.


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