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Elise POV

Every day for the past couple of weeks Bella watches us as we arrive to school looking for Edward and I was getting tired of it and I was tired of Rosalie complaining everyday to.

We arrived at school today with Edward since he decided that he can control himself now.
"You sure your gonna be cool or do I need to cool you down?" I ask Edward with a sarcastic smile on my face.

"I'm fine" he said before walking off.
I shrug and walk with Emmett, jasper and Alice into the school to get stared with this boring day.

I spilt apart from them and go to my class that I have by myself.
When I walk in and sit down nicki gives me a little glare.
"What?" I question and she rolls her eyes.
"Oh so now I'm good enough to talk to?" I sigh and try to grab her hand but she snatch it away.
"Look I'm sorry, I had some things going on with me and I didn't want to drag you into my problems" she looks at me and then sighs.

"Fine but you gotta promise me something" she says looking me in the eyes.
"Anything" I say and she smiles.
"You gotta promise that from now on you will tell me when something happens and you gotta start sitting back at the table with us" 'oh boy that's a lot' I think before I smile at her and nod.
"Ok, I promise" she hugs me and this is a lot of human contact since I became a vampire.

I hold my breath and stiffen up as she hugs me.
She smiles so good that I think I might lose control in the classroom.
I pull away from her and give her a forced smile before I turn around to the front of the class.

"Are you ok?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder and I can feel myself losing control, I can picture myself draining her blood and killing everyone in this room with a smile on my face.
I shake those thoughts out of my head and look at her.
"I'm fine don't worry" she nods not convinced but focus back on the lesson.

Finally a couple of minutes later the bell rings and I bolt out of my seat and down the hallway but I don't get far as I'm stoped by my sister bella.

"Hey Elise I haven't talked to you in a while." She says walking next to me.
"Yea um I-I have something to do I will see you later" I say then speed off to my next class.

At lunch

I walk into the lunch room and I see nicki look at me waiting for me to join her and my sister and friends at the table we always sit at.
I then look at the cullens table and see Rosalie shake her head at me with a glare.
I then decided to sit with my friends and sister ignoring the look from her.

"Hey guys" I say sitting down and they stop talking and just look at me for a second before Angie smile at me and respond.
"Hey E" Then Jessica response but what she said just made me irritated.
"So you finally decided to join us I'm surprised"

"Yea look like I told nicki I had some stuff that was going on, not that it's any of your business"
Everyone just looks at us as we stare at each other.

"Yea was it going off and getting with Emmett so they can buy you stuff, you know that's just wrong" 'I'm gonna smack this bitch in the minute' I think before placing a fake smile on.
"How about you mind your business slut before I smack you into next week" I say and she glares at me.
"Who are you talking to gold digger"

'TF IM NEVER THAT!' Was all I think before I hope across the table and tackle her to the ground.

'TF IM NEVER THAT!' Was all I think before I hope across the table and tackle her to the ground

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